Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What happened to the side of the road???

So i just came back from a mini trip to Montreal. We only went for 2 days and no matter how many days you leave for, when you have 4 kids you need lots of water, food, snacks and of course patience! So now I am going to compare to when i was young and travelling to the same destination with the same amount of kids/parents in the van. We would travel quite frequently to Montreal to visit my many cousins, aunts and grandparents. My mother always packed fruit, sandwhiches (sangwiches) and a huge thermos of espresso for her and my father. My father was a smoker so every 15 minutes he would slightly open the car window and have an Export A (green pack) cigerette ant tell us to keep our mouth shut when we complained of the smell. Our only form of entertainment was a deck of cards and our Sony Walkmans (that the headphones would slide off because they were made for a 400 pound male.)We would have a pile of cassettes to listen to (not bought from Musicworld) but songs taped from the CFTR countdown. My sisters and I would fight over who got to sit in the middle (the van was customized with captain chairs and a sofa bed in the back) or who would have to lay down the whole way down. I was always the lucky one who had to stay in the back because Ann-Marie had her excuse of car sick and after a few years Nancy used the same excuse. Anyway so we would go on this 5 hour journey at least 3 times a year. Now, keep in mind we were 4 daughters so there was always some point in the trip that 1 of us had to pee. So obviously my father (wanting to always beat the time before's time) would feel like he was being sidetracked and did not always stop at the rest stops...so what did we have to do....well as they say "When in Rome, do as the Romans" so we did like the Deer, skunks and any of the roadside animals..we pulled over on the side of the high speed highway, squated and peed. As most of you can probably figure out, girls cant aim like boys can...so sometimes we had to grin and bear the wet feeling on our pants...why???? because we HAD to...mom and dad didnt care that we were wet...why??? because pee on our pants will not kill us but if we didnt stop complaining they would!!!Once my sister Ann-Marie got car sick but mommy didnt caress or care, she told her throw up in her blanket (that was her favourite from her baby days) closed it up, opened the window and threw it out, yup..that simple, littering was very acceptable because why would anyone want to carry garbage or anything stinky on a long drive?? ahh..the good ol days...so now lets fast forward to today...20 years later, 4 different kids, 2 different parents and a severly different time...our kids...stop on the side of the road...NEVER...first of all, we have to wait to stop the fully equiped MIni van because we might stop it at their favourite part of the movie (and we might get in shit) so we warn them 30 minutes before that we will be stopping..once we do stop...its not one man for himself, its mommy help me get out my seatbelt and car seat...then its, I want fries, I want nuggets (after explaining that mommy packed a healthy lunch) and them obviously not caring or flinching. So once all the kids are out free, they see the vending machines filled with chocolates, chips and those stuffed animals that they just HAVE to have..so its a battle getting them away from that..then getting all the looks from strangers that we as parents must be on some heavy drugs for even having more than 2 kids in this society and crazy world..once all have peed, car seats back on, drinking water from their Evian bottle and not from a fountain, we travel, put back on 1 of their 100 DVD's and make sure their DS and PSP's are fully charged because why in the world would they want to play with a deck of cards or colour with Crayola's in a book and why would we as parents EVER dare think that they would squat their pretty little asses on the side of the road like we did in the olden days...lol.
That's my peace today!
This is a simple recipe today because i am still getting over the car ride..lol

Fresh Tomato Sauce
6-7 Fresh Garden ripe tomatoes
1 clove of garlic finely chopped
2 large basil sprigs chopped
olive oil
Parmeson cheese for garnish

Peel ripen tomatoes, put in bowl and using a potato masher mash the tomatoes until they are not clumpy, finely chop garlic and saute in olive oil, add tomatoes, finely chopped basil, salt and oregano. Saute for 20 minutes. Add cooked pasta and toss and serve with fresh basil and parmeson cheese.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! I remember that blanket...I miss it...
    Why the heck didn't she just put it in a bag and bring it home???!!!

