Thursday, September 17, 2009

Her name is Mary and she is a mother

I don’t usually like to talk about sad things or sad stories, but sometimes it is necessary to do. Yesterday I found out that a family member of a friend of mine, is not doing well. This woman was diagnosed with Leukemia years ago, it was in remission and on Tuesday, she just got news that it is back. It is now in her bone marrow. She is a woman with cancer and she is a mother. She is a mother to 2 young,beautiful boys who still need her. 2 boys that don’t know the battle their mother is in for, 2 boys that will witness a fight against Cancer. It brings me to tears to think about her pain. Not only the physical pain that she is enduring, but the emotional pain that is overwhelming her entire fight. The worry about her children’s future, and them potentially growing up without her. Her husband’s despair, knowing that he may be losing his wife, his best friend, his soul mate, his life partner. The woman he vowed to marry many years ago, to honour, love, and cherish until death due them part. His fear of raising his son’s without a mother, a woman, a role model. Cancer has affected millions of women and families around the world. We all do our best to walk, run, donate, research and fight. We have come a long way to where we began, and we still have a long way to go. Every family has had cancer affect them in some way. My mother was diagnosed with cancer over 25 years ago, and I am thankful to say that she won her fight. She had 4 daughters to raise. God, her family, her friends and her doctors helped her win. It is a battle that has been lost, and a battle that has been won. I ask you today; please pray for her and her family in her fight against Cancer. Let’s pray for all women and mothers who may not be there to see their children grow. Let’s not think about the petty things, but let’s focus on the real things. The real life of Cancer and the real life of war, against Cancer. Let’s join our hearts and hands and let’s say enough already! Her name is Mary, she is a mother and she has Cancer!
That's my peace today!

Taralli (Italian hard bread)
(in light of my blog, taralli are shaped like the ribbon of Hope)

2 cup water
1 cup Oil
1 package yeast
Flour (you will gradually add into consistency of a dough)
4 tbsp anise seeds (or chilli flakes if you want spicy)

Mix all ingredients (minus the flour), once all combined add the flour until you reach consistency (about 3-4 cups or so. Once it forms into a dough, cut pieces (about the size of an apricot) and roll into long rope. Shape into ribbon. Lay flat on pan. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 20-40 min (golden brown).

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