Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today is a good day

I know I have been joking around and saying how excited I am that today is the first day of school. Although I am quite pleased this long summer has come to an end, I am also very excited for all the children today. This morning millions of kids in North America are getting ready for a new year back. A new teacher, new classroom and maybe some new friends. It is a day of new beginnings. Teachers are also going back (I think 10 weeks off is enough..lol) and I say thank you to them. Thanks for helping in the molding and growing of our children's young minds. We live in a very lucky part of the world and sometimes we forget that. Today we should think about all the children in countries that do not have a school to go to, or the ones that do have a school, but live in constant fear because they are in war torn countries. Our children have all the opportunities at their fingertips and we as parents, get to be part of their growth of life. So today, let's celebrate the gift of knowledge and the gift of school. Today lets say... WELCOME BACK!
That's my peace today!
The recipe I am writing today is a perfect afterschool snack that I make for my own kids.

Easy White Pizza
1 pizza dough( or home-made, see my recipe on my blog)
Olive oil (enough to spread generously on the whole flattened dough)
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Basil
dash of salt and pepper

Lay your pizza dough flat and spread on a greased and floured pan. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Pour Olive Oil and all spices and spread evenly. Put in oven for about 15-20 (until golden and crispy)
Remove and cut in pie shape or square pieces (depending on what pan you use)

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