Friday, September 4, 2009

When did the mommy connection turn into "French Connection"?

(warning..this blog may offend some
I remember when I was growing up in a small neighbourhood filled with families, there were kids in the street playing hide and go seek, Spud and sometimes the occasional baseball game. It didn’t matter how old you were, when the weather was warm enough you were out there. Sisters taking care of sisters, and friends taking care of friends. We knew when it was time to go in..yes..when the street lights came on. And I am sure we all cringed at that damn News anchorman(don’t remember which one) with the famous line “its 11:00, do you know where your children are?” My father would always say, Holy Shit (in his Italian accent) look at his own watch, because i guess he didn’t want to take the word of the news guy, and would give us the “look” . Of course we flew up the stairs and went to bed. I think that went on until at least my early 20’ But my point is we had fun outdoors with all the neighbourhood kids. Our mothers also had this was the mommy connection. You see, they all took care of eachother. If my mother had to run or walk to the grocery store she knew Mariuca , Lucy, Ada or Vera would be home looking out for us. She knew that she could safely leave us outside because we had 4 other mothers (of course equipped with wooden spoons) looking out their window to make sure we were ok. They were even allowed to yell at us, scold us or give us a little slap if they saw something mom wouldnt approve of. Their husbands were all at work and they were the heads of the household, keeping it together like a team. There was no such thing as playdates..what the hell is a playdate? A playdate in those times was all of us hanging out in the basement running around, dancing or just playing with and our mothers were helping eachother make the tomato sauce, eggplants in the oil or sewing the bedsheet that was slightly torn. Espresso, homemade bread and salami and cheese was all they needed,and of course the local gossip of so and so’s son. They had their slightly dirty aprons on and their Chinese tapinis (Calabrese for slippers) We got the occasional slap for getting out of line but it was always done with love and affection. What happen to those days of mommy connection? They got replaced with French Connection. You know FCUK. There is no more, Diana can i leave my 4 kids with you because i need to run to the store..she would get a look of .. “are you on drugs woman, i have my own kids to take care!” there is no more women helping women...its all women for themselves. There is no getting together in our slippers and dirty aprons because we might run into someone outside and that might make us look poor. Yes we have playdates and mom and tot classes but they only happen (at most) once a week. Even with that, the kids show up in their Diesel Jeans, Geox runners and Lacoste tops. We are no longer free to be free. So i ask you again..what happen to the mommy connection? Check it out..Its at your local mall.
Thats my peace today!

2 large Diced tomatoes
1 clove chopped garlic
1 small thinly sliced red onion
4 tbs oregano
f3 springs resh basil chopped
Olive Oil 1/2 cup
1 italian baguette

In a bowl combine tomatoes, garlic, onions,basil,oregano and salt (enough for taste) and 1/4 cup of the oil
On a cutting board, slice bread (1/2 inch thick). Put aside. In a small bowl add rest of oil, oregano and salt mix. Dip each slice of bread and place on pan. Bake in oven at 400 degrees for about 15 min (until toasted). Remove from oven and scoop tomato mixture on each.

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