Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kids just get on my nerves

Sometimes I wonder why i had so many mean i love my kids to death and all that bla bla bla stuff but when you sit down and think about it..It is a life long sentence taking care of kids. I am at the stage of having 1 kid hanging off my leg, the other trying to get the food of my plate, the other 2 wrestling on the couch with my son trying the latest body slam moves on his 5 year old sister. So basically i yell more than Gordon Ramsay on Hells Kitchen because my life sometimes feels like its Hells Headquarters. Now i am not going to get into this crap about how i love being a mom and its the best thing that happened to me because that is a given and obvious and mothers who say that are trying to sound like they are just freakin enjoying their everyday chaos and stress. That is great for them but I will admit that kids are pains in the ass' most of the time. From when they come out you feed them, bathe them, hold them and change them..then they become old enough that they think they know more than you and i use my fathers line "I wasnt born yesterday" or "I was once your age" like what a stupid line that is...of course you were once my when i hear myself saying that I want to laugh and then i want to cry that I am becoming my parents before my very eyes. How the hell did that happen? I went from being somewhat of a cool mom to "Jesus Murphy Joseph one more time you do that I am putting you in Military school" but see my son already knows that I am not calling Military school but my daughter still hasnt figured out that there is no "Convent" around is only a small period where that works on your kids..and you know when it is time to switch up the threats. This is where beatings from the olden days came into play because if our parents said something that sounded off the wall like "If you dont stop that I am going to lock the bathroom door" and your were like huh? why would you lock the bathroom door and when you called them on it they said "I'll show you bathroom door"..and then they took out the belt, the slipper, the remote control..anything hard and that was big enough to fling off our head...ahh the good ol days...I have to be honest, i still dont look at wooden spoons the same way. Then when all the small years are done (one of my favourite lines i always here "small kids, small problems, big kids big problems") is over they enter the teenage adolescent years. I am not there yet but i see people who are and they kind of have this gazed look on their face all day and carry some kind of pill mixture in their then comes the stage of marrying your kids off dishing out all kinds of money and then having to help raise your grandkids..this is why God created Florida..yup thats right I cant wait to place my old wrinkly ass on that Floridian beach and having afternoon cocktails over a game of briscola...or bridge it depends who's there. This is my ULTIMATE Goal people...arriving to the Golden Years...and when its all said and done we will hopefully (si Dio vo) witness the new circle of family and be able to say to our kids my personal favourite line that comes out of my mothers mouth "God, please let me live long enough to see your kids tell you off" or "God, please let my kid have a kid like you" and my response to that is always the same "I wish"
That is my "peace" for today!

Homemade Pizza Dough
1 tablespoon of yeast
1/2 cup warm water
3 cups of flour
1tsp salt
1tsp sugar
3 tbs olive oil
1/2 cup milk

Place yeast in a cup and add warm water. Let rise for about 10 min.
In seperate bowl mix flour, salt and sugar, add water and yeast. Stir. Gradually add olive oil and milk (you may need to add more water). Knead into a ball on a floured surface(dough should not be sticky to the hand)
Place in large bowl and cover with saran wrap and a damp cloth for at least 3 hours.

Let me know how it turns out.

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