Sunday, September 13, 2009

What position are you looking for?

I don’t know about you, but when I got pregnant there was no application to fill out. Once the decision was made to go ahead and start “trying”.lol..(I think it’s hilarious when people say,”oh we’re trying” or “we’re still practicing” because as we all know couples decide pretty much right away when the “right” time time? Now, if you are already a mother you know that there is no “right” time because in the end, when you pop that baby out (or 2 at a time like, you end up thinking to yourself in your many post partum depression days of “what the hell did I do, this was soooo the wrong time to be doing this”. Then you of course you get over that, after about 4 weeks of blubbering, wishing all your visitors got lost and can’t find your house to come and visit the baby, and that your really annoying husband would just shut up and go buy a chastity belt so this never happens again (well that thought may NEVER go and you love this little bundle of joy that has entered your life. We are very lucky today. We have ultrasounds, monthly visits to the OBGYN and of course the ever so wonderful and sensational EPIDURAL. Our mothers (maybe that’s why they always have a pickle up their actually had no pain medication to relieve the ever so unbearable pain of labour (there are some women went through childbirth without meds and I say, they must have been on other kind of drugs to even make that ridiculous Or maybe it was their husbands that convinced them to go “natural”. Natural my ass, there is no natural thing of an 8lb creature coming out of you and then calling that thing “a baby”. Yes, it is the most amazing experience you will ever have and we are lucky to have gone through it, but I’m just saying drugs make the process just that much easier. So after they come out, we bring them home and then that’s it, we are on our own. Yes, most of us have our mothers come over and tell us all the things they did when we were babies and say things like, “oh you girls are afraid to do anything with these babies, we always had you on your stomach, we smoked beside your crib and we drank while breastfeeding and you guys came out ok” I guess she’s right, and they really do have more experience than us, I mean, they already went through the “up all night” stage, the “take that out of your mouth” stage, the “ok, let’s try to go potty” stage, the “i’m your mother, and i’m telling you have to eat that” stage, the “No, you can’t take the car tonight” stage, and the “No, you can’t date him, because he’s old enough to be your father” stage. So they must know a little more than us. Because let’s face it, all us mothers today think we know the “right” way to do things and that the way we do things works for everyone. If you’re a mother than you will know that is definitely not true. As the old saying goes, “kids don’t come with a manual” we have to improvise as we go along. There is no job description in this, it’s all “do as you see fit” and “always do what’s best for the family”. We do become our mothers in our growing ages and stages of motherhood. Our children will then become us, it is the circle of life. There is no application for motherhood, it’s a “one size fits all” position and an “apply at your own risk”. Eventually, you fill in the job description when you become a grandmother and reminisce about the days when you were putting your baby on its back and drinking milk while breastfeeding, so that your daughter or daughter in law could maybe take some of that information to fill in for their job description, which will eventually read “Mother; full time, always!”
That’s my peace today!

Pasta ane Piselli (peas)
1 pack Bow tie Pasta
1/2 chopped white onion
1 cup peas
water (as needed to cook peas)
1/4 c olive oil
parmesan cheese (grated)

Cook pasta as directed. Saute onions with 1 tbs of the oil, add peas and cook adding water as needed and salt as needed. Cook for about 20 min. Once peas are fully cooked add the cooked pasta and the rest of the oil. Cook for 2 min, top with parmesan.

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