Tuesday, September 15, 2009

7 days is all you need

So if you are anything like me, sometimes you look at other people and wish just for one moment you can switch places with them. Besides wanting to change places with Dorthea (Jon Bon Jovi’s wife..lol) I have often looked at the single women of today, and for just 1 week, I would love to be them. I have an older sister (Noon, I love you) that I would just love, love, love to change places with..lol. She is not married (she escaped that whole process), she has her own house (without a man..or kids..lol) and she has a social life.lol. Like, a real one. Like, plans on the weekend, plans during the week, she even has plans after work, who has plans after work? The only plans I have after work is picking up the kids from the bus stop or maybe a quick trip to Fortino’s. Plans for me are not part of the agenda. There is no meeting my other single friends at Chapters or meeting for a stroll at the mall, or going for a Martini on a Friday night in Yorkville..nope, for us married mommies, it is day at mom and tot groups,or dropping one kid off at gymnastics and bringing the other one to hockey, or going to the Paediatrician for a check up or because your kids were barfing their brains out overnight and have a running fever of 40 degrees and you are living off of 2 hours sleep. Nope, there are no cocktails at 7pm, or Saturday night plans. We are not single, we are attached..lol.literally, by the hip, by the leg and by the brain. This is where the saying “Are you single or attached” came from, because people before us knew what we were in for, and attached meant, attached..lol. In the olden days women that didn’t marry, were labelled as spinsters..lol..what the hell is a spinster? I would hear my mother saying things like, “oh that lady, you know, Nonna’s friend..she’s a spinster..she never got married”. I would silently think to myself..what the hell does spinning have to do with marriage? Then I got married and I realized why they are called spinsters..because they are spinning with joy..lol. Nowadays we call women that didn't get married.."lucky bitches".lol. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and I wouldn’t trade those little annoying creatures for anything in the world, but I think, maybe for 1 small short week, I would like to wake up in my sister’s bed all alone, meet her single friends at Chapters, make dinner for 1, and buy one of those tea for 1 cups..lol and I would like to ask her, if she wants to play a little game called “Freaky Friday”... just for 7 short days.
That’s my peace today!

Roasted Whole Chicken
1 Roast Chicken (washed and insides removed)\
3 whole carrots coursly chopped
1 white onion coursly chopped
4 or 5 potatoes peeled and cut in large pieces
3 large springs of fresh parsley
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
4 tbs Olive oil

Place chicken in roasting pan, arrange parsley, carrots, potatoes and onion around chicken. Rub the oil on the chicken. Combine all dry spices in a bowl, once mixed rub all spices on every part of chicken. Add salt and pepper to both chicken and vegtables. Cover and cook in oven at 420 degrees for about 1 hour to 1 and a half (should be golden and crispy) You can remove lid for the last 15 minutes.

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