Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Days are gone

I was raised in the 80’s, I know that seems impossible since I am only I was. TV back then was all about families. Wholesome watching television shows that gave you that warm fuzzy feeling when you watched them. The ever so touching message by the end of the show and the lessons you learned by them. I always wanted to be part of these families because they seemed so “normal” because of course, my family was There was no yelling, slamming doors or parents chasing the kids around the house because their room was a mess. My father once (this is a true story) removed all of our bedroom doors because we did not fix our bed…lol..he literally went to all 4 bedrooms, hinge by hinge and took them off. I was coming home, when I saw my oldest sister Nancy walking across the hallway with her door in her arms carrying back to her I asked her what the hell she was doing she just said,”your father is nuts” at that moment she didn’t want to be related to Eventually he agreed to put back all the doors and we of course never left our bed undone again. That is a lesson learned. So when I was watching shows like, Family Ties, The Cosby Show, Growing Pains and of course Who’s The Boss, it made me feel like my parents were a bunch of crazy lunatics and they were such nice normal parents. The Keatons, wow they were the cool hippie parents who used to get caught making out in the kitchen. I only witnessed my parents give each other a peck on the lips at Christmas or and I still cringed at the sight of that. They were shows that represented the good wholesome “All American” Family. Today our kids have shows like 2 ½ Men (which is very funny I may add), and well..umm…I can’t think of anything else because guess what? There is no family wholesome shows anymore. Now when you flip the channels from Monday through Sunday all you will find are Reality shows; Hell’s Kitchen (where every other word if F@ck), The Bachelor, Dancing With the Stars, American Idol, Survivor (the biggest cut throat people that want to win$1million) and The Biggest Loser, just to name a few. Every week someone gets kicked off and then by the end of its season there is a winner. I have to admit, I am heavily addicted to these shows, but I am also sorry to say that my kids like watching them with me. What lessons are they learning? That a man gets to choose from 20 women and send them home when he realizes that he’s not hot for them? Or that people that struggle with weight loss want to get thin to fit in. I know this is a part of everyday life but is that all we have left? Does this mean that we as parents today actually have to teach our kids the right and wrong with every situation? Our parents had “The Fonz” to teach us that. How about Three’s Company, there was always a misunderstanding that got cleared up in the end. Those were the days of family viewing and learning. Those were the days of parents looking more “normal” than your, today are we the “normal” parents to our kids and they think eating raw fish eggs to win money and jumping off a cliff to be the ultimate Fear Factor champion is a great and easy way to make a few bucks. Because it is a reality, real tv shows are gone.
That’s my peace today!

Veal Parmigiano
6 Veal Cutlets
3 cups of cooked sauce
1/2 cup mozzarella
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
4 tbs parmesan cheese
2 tbs chopped parsley
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk

Bang out veal to flatten. Beat eggs and milk in a bowl. Put breadcrumbs, cheese, parsley in square pan. Dip veal in egg mix, then dip into bread mixture. Fry cutlets in oil and put aside. In a baking dish, put a layer of cooked sauce at bottom of pan place cutlets on pan, pour sauce evenly on each cutlet and sprinkle with mozzarella. Cover and bake at 400 degrees for about 1 hour.

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