Saturday, September 12, 2009

We have become Brazilian women

Women have always been women. Men, well, they unfortunately have always It was and has always been a woman’s job to be beautiful and sexy. Not just for her man, but for herself. But I am here to tell all you women and men..times have changed and by gosh darn it, so have the women. I cannot believe the way women take care of themselves today. I find myself staring at women (and my gate don’t swing that 40 year olds today, look like 20 year olds back then. We have lulu lemon tights for the gym, True Religion for the mall and Gucci bags for the evening. I remember when I was 10 and my mother’s friends were in their 30’s (of course that was ancient to me then, now it is so and they would wear their skirts to the knee and buttoned up blouses (I don’t even think that word exists and of course the brown nylons and the conservative shoes. On a casual day it was a skirt to the knee, a less fancy blouse and the hard wooded Italian shoes (which are now back in style and made by they are much softer and will do less damage if flung off the I won’t even get into the underwear they wore..the term “grandma undies” was invented in those days, except it wasn’t grandmothers wearing them, it was the 20 year olds. Anyway, that was the way they dressed. Toes, definitely not pedicured, fingernails.. no manicure, only the 99 cent red nail polish they picked up at Woolco and did at home to themselves. That was the way most women were back then. Oh and well the hair removal process..yup that was different too..they had actual razors to shave and in some “sensitive areas” in which that blade never saw or Dio (God) put hair "there" for a Money was not spent on being beautiful, they were raising a family and money was put away and left for the kids necessities not for their fiserias (Italian word for not important). Well boy..have things See, now we have terms like DIVA’s, a MILF(Mother I would love to f@ck) and of course Cougars! Women (deserve it, I may add) take care of themselves. We have realized that we are not just mothers, but we are women first! Call us selfish, call us crazy but I say call us “yummy mummy’s”. We are joining gyms, yoga classes and kick boxing training. We are spending time and money on the “me” necessities and enjoying every minute of it. And yes, we want flowa for 5 We are going to spas, salons and laser clinics on a regular basis (hell, we have and they are on every corner. Why? Because we work, in or outside the home and we want to be moisturized, hydrated and want to be free, fresh, polished and once a month, maybe even
That’s my peace today!

1 pound ground veal or beef
1 egg
2 tbs grated paremesan cheese
3 tbs finely chopped parsley
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup hard bread or sliced bread
salt to taste

In a bowl, combine meat, egg, cheese, parsley, bread crumbs and salt. If you are using hard bread(it is good to keep unused bread in a paper bag to use for meatballs) put under water to soften and then squeeze all the water out, mash with your hands and mix in the meat mixture. If you are using sliced bread break it up (without wetting it) and put in mixture. You can combine both if you choose just make sure you dont put too much because the meatballs will get too soft and break apart. Once everything is mixed with your hands, take pieces and roll into balls (you can make as big as you like). You can fry, or bake them. I bake them at 385 degrees for 15 minutes and then I add them to my cooking sauce. Make sure you continue to boil in sauce if not cooked through.