Thursday, September 3, 2009

A "Built In" doesn't come with the house anymore!

Ill tell you why we have cleaning ladies and our mothers didn’t...we were the cleaning ladies...Saturday for me did not consist of Yorkdale shopping or the movies..Saturdays for me consisted i doing the toilets this week or dusting? And my mother was the checker...she came around literally with a white glove and checked the dust..i kid you not. What do I do with my kids...I make it part of their “allowance” ya allowance. An allowance works for someone who actually doesn’t get money or things for anything else. Our kids get their “allowance” as well as their new Playstation game or the cool new Ed Hardy’s..and then of course there’s Nonna.”.oh i bought him this because he said he wanted it”...he wanted it??? Thats nice, how about when i wanted that Michael Jackson leather jacket? I had to wait until Christmas to get it and then I didn’t get the leather one.. are you kidding, because Woolco only sold the pleather you can imagine the sound a pleather jacket makes in the winter. Then there were those 2 kids in school who had the leather one and would just walk around showing off and asking..”oh is that real leather” it look like real leather??? No, because they knew damn well that leather don’t crack! Ahh the good ol days of waiting for gifts on birthdays, Christmas and the ever so popular dark stale hard Italian Easter egg. My whole room was full of those shiny Easter eggs because when a cumara (Italian for Godmother) would come over, her and her hairy mole would pull this huge oversized Italian Easter Egg...why didn’t she bring me a Smurf Milk Chocolate one? Ill tell you why..because they only sold those at “real stores” Maria Dry goods on Woodbridge Avenue did not sell Milk Chocolate, she only sold the ones that didn’t sell from the year before and that’s what we got...take it or leave it...and we had no choice but to take a big fat wet kiss from her prickly moley moley moley face. And we knew that if we were rude, a small pinch , bite or slap would immediately follow the visit. We were just so excited to get that crappy prize in the middle that we actually had to WAIT to open until AFTER Easter..just so the chocolate got more stale. Then i was so excited with the big plastic ring that would break about 5 minutes later because i actually put it on to wear. So my whole thing on an only works if you play by the rules. My kids have more money in their wallet then i had in all my years of college. The tooth fairy does not give $1 its..”mommy can the tooth fairy give me the “green money”.” I try to tell them mommy only got the green money on Christmas or my birthday..and if mommy wanted money well too bad for mommy. So you see us mothers of today have a cleaning lady because a “built in” didn’t come with the house like our parents. We work, we cook, we take care of kids...and yes mother i know you stayed home and raised your kids and i say..good for you and thank you but let me tell you what i always tell you..times are just different now.
That’s my peace today!

Eggplant Parmegiano
1 large eggplant
1/2 cup bread crumbs
3 tbs pamesan cheese
2 eggs
1-2 cups of Cooked Tomato Sauce
Olive oil
Mozzarella cheese 1 cup

Slice eggplant into 2mm thick slices, lay on large pizza pan and sprinkle with salt (this allows the water to come out of the eggplant). Leave for about 10 min
In a bowl beat 2 eggs, take each slice of eggplant and dip into mixture. In a seperate bowl combine the bread crumbs and parmesan cheese. After eggplant is dipped in egg mixture bread in the bread mixture. Lay breaded slices on pan, drizzle with olive oil and bake in oven for about 20 min at 385 degrees (turning once).
Once they are all baked take each slice and combine 3 slices per pile of the same size (you will have a range or large diamater to small diamater) Place the first one down, spread with cooked sauce sprinkle with mozzarella and top with next. Do this until you have as many piles of 3 possile ( depending on the size of eggplant usually you will get about 10 piles)
Cover with foil and bake at 395 degrees for about 40 minutes.


  1. ah cummon, at least we got to get those hot dogs on a stick when we visited Woolco...remember those?? I loved them!


  2. yes i remember..mmm..i think now they call them Pogos
