Sunday, September 6, 2009

Would you like fries with that?

It seems nowadays everywhere you go there’s a drive -through. To the point where our kids think it is a normal process to bank and ride. I mean, if you stop and think about it, we are too lazy to get out of our car to deposit money in our account. Our parents ran to the bank to deposit money. Banks were only open Mo-Fr 9am-3pm and 2pm on Fridays. For any other time they just stashed it in the mattress. The “Golden Arches” existed back then but they were very few and far between, now they are at every street corner to accommodate our ever so busy lives of eating fast food on the go. Are we lazy or busy? Do we have less time than our mothers did? Well, I can tell you that mothers today are busy. It’s not because we have less time than our mothers did because as we all know, you can’t stop, pause or fast forward time. We do it to ourselves..its called self All the sports, playgroups, dance, gymnastic..and don’t forget swimming and skating. My parents did put us in a extra curricular activity..key word “a”’s it. You chose 1 thing you like and stick with it. There was no, “ma, I want to do ballet, tap, acro and gymnastics. Do you think my mother would drag all 4 of our asses in her car (yes we were fortunate, we had a to bring me to tap, Am to ballet, Nancy to swimming and Gina to karate??? I think not. It was 1 sport on 1 day and 1 place...take it or leave it! If that year we didn’t like something we were able to change..but only once. There was no such thing as competitive this and Rep that. There was some of that going on but that was only the parents that were “pazza” (Italian for crazy).
Nowadays we are lucky if we have time to pee. Everything is fast paced and now now now. The “One Stop Shops”, the “Pay as you Go” and the “Don’t pay to 2035”. A regular phone line wasn’t enough so along came all the “extras”.
I remember wishing my mother would hurry up and get off her looooong boring conversation (I thought it was boring but my mother always seemed very interested and involved which made it even worse) with my aunt because I was waiting for Sandra to call and I couldn’t tell her to get off, I had to wait..patiently or she would purposely stay on So Bell introduced Call waiting..yippee..then.. Call we can see who is calling us and we can avoid (which we all know we have done many who we didn’t want to speak to. Do you guys remember the Maestro??? It was like state of the art robot for phonecalls. We were one of the first ones to have the phone because Bell was doing a trial (I think my parents still have it in their house but you can’t see who’s calling anymore because it is half anyway once Maestro came out it was high rolling phone call technology. Need I go on to introduce the HUGE Motorola flip phone (my friend Sandy had it, we all shared it when we went then the phones got smaller and smaller and technology faster and faster and well...yes the infamous “Crack” Berry. What the hell is sooo important that we have to type it and send it within a minute? Pictures..all digital. Our kids have become jpegs on our But isn’t this what we all wanted? Fast and furious...because we just have no time so tech companies made it better for us to get it done faster. Forget about Sundays at home with the family when all the stores were closed..nope..lets just choose 1 day in February and call that “Family Day”...doesn’t that make more sense? Lets replace the Game of Life with the latest NHL 2009 game..why not? And lets do our banking, coffee ordering, and ice-cream buying from a window..why park and walk when you can order and drive?
That’s my peace today!

1 pack of cooked spagetti
1/2 c ricotta
4 large eggs
1/4 c grated parmesan
1/4 c chopped parsley and basil
1/4 c cooked chives
1 cooked Italian sausage (optional)

In a large bowl mix all ingrediants. In a large skillet (frisura) pour olive oil to coat bottom of pan. Once heated at med-high add the mix. While cooking make a very small hole in the middle to ensure contents cook through (about 10 min on each side). Using a large plate, slide cooked side onto plate and flip into pan to cook other side.


  1. yes syl, but dont you miss those miserable tellers? lol

  2. LOL...the tellers!! Anyway, Yeah, I'm sad..."Family Day" is only one day in February...and Vaughan Mills is STILL open!!!!

