Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is Ignorance Bliss or is bliss a sign of Ignorance?

Today i am bringing my 15 month old twins for their vaccinations. Now that doesnt seem strange or out of the ordinary does it? well i am here to tell you that in today's society talking about vaccinations is almost taboo. I am not going to get into my personal feelings about needles because that will just be boring and who cares what i think. What i do want to talk about is how mothers today read too much. No kidding we shit our pants every time we go to get a shot, there is so much research on each vaccine that we just know too much. What happened to the days we were getting vaccinated? My mother would just drag our scary little asses in the room hold us down and voila..done! There were no questions to the doctor like, "how long has this vaccine been around" or "are there any side effects, or even maybe "do they really need this one?". Everything was just assumed that doctors knew everything and there was no need to ask any questions because what did they know, there was no Oprah, Dr. Phil or The Doctors around explaining statistics and side effects..nope there was just ok Mrs. Colosimo next appointment we are giving Diana 6 shots. No questions asked. So my question is this....was i harmed? (well maybe a little damage to my brain cells but that was caused with some fun times in I am pretty much normal and immuned. My mother did what the doctor told her she should do. Us mothers today Google every little thing., compare sad stories and watch Oprah religiously (especially when Dr.Oz is on..he's kind of cute in a nerdy whats worse knowing too much and having the constant nagging worry..or....knowing nothing and living life blissfully?? I say give me some bliss and make me ignorant. Our mothers worried about the important things like, "how can i threaten my daughter not to go out" or "what part of her ass have i not slapped with the spoon" or even maybe "what part of the house can i give her to scrub clean" see, that is what was on their minds..not silly worries about vaccines. So today at 2:30pm when i give them their Varivax (for Chicken Pox) and their Menigitis shots i will try to just hold them down, look away and say..Voila..another one done!
That is my peace today.

Onions diced
Zucchini chopped
String Beans cut up
White Beans (1/2 can)
2 carrots chopped
Butternut squash (1/2 cup chopped)
Sweet Potato (1/2 cup chopped)
2 diced tomatoes
Peas (1/4 cup)
Escarole (1/4 cup chopped)
2-3 cups of water
Salt for taste
Olive Oil for sautee

In a heavy saucepan, sautee the onions and gradually add all the vegtables. Sautee for about 3 minutes. Add water. Let boil for about 10 minutes, add salt (enough for taste) and simmer for another 40 minutes or so.

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