Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Whose Line is it Anyway

When I was growing up, my parents always had a solution to my problems and answers to my questions. It was very simple, the solution was always..just stay home, and the answer to most of my questions was.. no! That was it, there was no explanation needed, they didn’t have to sit me down to tell me why I couldn’t meet all my friends at the movies and they didn’t care that I was the “only one” not going on the trip to Quebec, it was a simple, no. My father said to me (in his Italian accent)”Diana, I tella you what, if you tella me, that you dee only ona that don’t go on da trip, you canna go.” So of course I didn’t want to tell him that I wasn’t the only one not going, it was me and pretty much the geek squad who stayed back, and not because the geeks weren’t allowed to go, they just chose to stay behind because they might miss out on their tournament card game. So, it was pretty much me and the nerds on wheels. My mother didn’t even let me stay home and skip, because she said, “Diana, the school will know your lying that you’re sick because the rest of the class is in Quebec and I can’t lie”..ahh the good memories of learning how to play briscola in the gym at

My parents always had an answer for everything. “Ma, can I have $20?” Her response, “$20?20? What do you need $20 bucks for? Look outside, do you see a money tree out there? Because if you do, let me know and I will just go outside and pick money!” Then there was the famous, “Diana, this hurts me more than it hurts you.” And I would be thinking, “really, how could this hard wooden shoe on MY ASS be hurting you???” My father’s famous line and one he still uses “Believe me, we doing dis for your own good” ya sure dad, missing out on the hottest house party on Friday night is really going to help shape my future as a Like seriously, give me a
The lines they came up with just blew my mind, like where the hell did they come up with these lines? Did all parents meet once a week and discuss the stupidest things to answer when kids asked questions? Maybe we were just really dumb, because I think if we used those lines on our millennium children, they would laugh and say, “ya in fact there is a money tree outside, it’s the one you just bought at Home Dept..look mommy the tag even reads “money tree” So like how do you respond to that? I think our kids are just smarter than we were. We didn’t challenge anything our parents said, we just said “ma, why can’t I go?” and she would say, “Because I said so!” and we would just walk away and think oh ok I guess that makes Our kids would say, “Umm, like, because you said so, so doesn’t make sense mommy, like seriously what are you saying?” then we as parents would again think oh ok, I guess that makes sense, that didn’t make sense. You know why they would tell us our lines are stupid, because they are. They were back then, and they still are today. I say, we find out who the hell came out with those lines, who started passing them around? Like, seriously, whose line is it anyway?
That's my peace today!

Penne a la Vodka
1 pack penne or pennine
1/4 cup vodka
1/2 cup cooking cream
1 jar tomato sauce
1/4 cup chopped bacon
2 tbs olive oil
salt to taste
chopped parsley for garnish

In a pot heat oil, add chopped onions and bacon. Sautee for about 5 min. Add tomato sauce, bring to boil. Once the sauce is almost cooked, add vodka and cream. Bring to boil for another 15 minutes. Cook pasta as directed. Pour sauce and serve, sprinkle fresh chopped parsley.


  1. My dad's famous line was ... "what you think you in school and you smarta than me??? " . And then there was "you wanna dishwasher? I got five dishwashers in this house!" of course referring to his four daughters and wife and not his son!!!
    Now my precious millennium daughter responds to my directions with "what is the big deal mom!" -- the kid is only 7!

  2. ahhaahah Papa always did say those things...i remember like it was yesterday!! lol
