Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do what YOU want to do

Most of the time, as parents, we make decisions based on emotion. We do what we “feel” is good for the better of our family. We make our choices based on the fact of how something makes us feel. Nobody likes to feel scared, nobody likes to feel naive, and nobody likes to feel vulnerable.

We have a very important role when we become parents. We have to do research, talk to doctors, and talk to other mothers, for their opinion and their advice. We become confused and overwhelmed, and when this happens we panic. We don’t like the feeling of “not knowing”; we don’t like the feeling of “not guaranteed.”

We have been flooded with information these past few days about what to do. Yesterday, my whole day was spent on the phone, on the internet and on email. I was communicating with other mothers about what they are going to do. It is a pretty important role to make a decision for our children. We are torn between a new vaccine, and a very scary flu. If I don’t vaccinate then I could be putting my young children at risk, and if I do vaccinate, I am giving them something that I don’t want to give them.

I have decided to sit back, relax, and wait. I am not saying that I will never give them the shot. I may do it in a few weeks from now, I may not. I just don’t want to feel pressured to give my kids something I don’t know anything about. When our backs are against the wall, we most always make irrational decisions; we may not usually do, on a normal basis.
I think that everyone needs to make their own decisions. Don’t base it on the mass opinions; base it on your own. We are all scared, and we are all in this together. We shouldn’t criticize other people’s decision, no matter what it may be. In times like this, the worst thing you can do is make someone else feel like their decision was the “wrong” one.
Let’s continue to talk, share and understand what’s going on. Don’t do what your doctors tell you to do; don’t do what your friends tell you to do, just do what you want to do. You may not know the answer right now, but at least YOU will be responsible for your own decision.
That's my peace today!

Lemondrop Shots
We are all under a lot of stress lately, what better way to calm our nerves then with some alcohol..enjoy this shot with friends, just please remember to drink

Grey Goose Vodka (as much as you need)
Lemon wedges
shot glass

Wet the rim of your glass, dip in salt. Pour vodka in glass. Lick salt around rim of glass, down the vodka and suck the lemon. A few of these and you won't care about anything may even forget you have

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