Monday, October 5, 2009

We love you, just leave us alone!

If you are a married woman, then I am almost positive your husband has asked you many, many, times, why are you so tired? Or why are you always upset? Or why are you yelling at the kids? I can go on and on. I don’t know about you, but when my “better half” asks me something like that, I have visions of paper cutting his whole body and throwing vinegar on the You see, men are pretty much all the same. I don’t care if your man is French Canadian, German, Irish or Italian. A man is a man. They are all cut from the same “man” cloth and they all behave the same. I am not trying to man bash, but sometimes, it has to be

Growing up in a household of all girls, I did not know all the little warnings of a man. The only man in my house was my dad, and him being surrounded by his 3 sisters, then his wife and 4 daughters, he eventually became “one of us”. I can tell you, when I got married, I was shocked! The whole toilet seat thing, the dirty socks on the floor, the drinking from the milk carton, and the unwelcoming odours that vaporize the air every once in a while. Then the nagging I had heard of the term, but never really was accused of being one, until I got married. You want to know why women nag???? Because we have too! If men would listen the first time, then we would NOT have to repeat ourselves over and over. How many times do I have to ask someone to please not leave their wet towel on the bed, because it will wet the mattress? Or how many times do I have to politely ask, please do not leave breadcrumbs on the counter after I just finished cleaning the kitchen? And how many times do I have to remind someone we have a dishwasher, please use it! This is why we must repeat, and repeat and repeat. Most of the time, I get sick of hearing my own voice. Yes, men feel the stress of making sure he is the provider, the support, the bread winner, and the “heads of the home”. Their famous line is “honey, I work you know.” I am not sure if you have ever stayed home with children all day long?? That is more of a job than anyone can possibly imagine. All day care, comfort and cuddles. Our minds are racing, moving from one thought to the next. It begins from the second we wake up; make the lunches, fix the beds, make breakfast, drive them to school, come home, tidy up, do laundry, clean the house, prepare dinner, go pick the kids up, make dinner, clean the kitchen, homework, bath time, bedtime and then start again the next day. Men; wake up, shower, clean their ears, cut their toenails, get dressed, grab a coffee (that we made), put on their shoes, drive to work. Not are men are like that, some pick up their coffee at

My point is, mothers are the foundation of the home, the “wizards” behind the curtain, we are the anchor. We must be organized, tough, and sensitive all at the same time. We have more than sex on our mind (most of the time, it is the last thing) why? Because sometimes we are tired, grumpy, frustrated and moody. We work hard every day, and if we want to be in a bad mood, or cranky or snappy, then just let us be. We sometimes want to be miserable, unhappy, ungrateful and dissatisfied. When we feel like that, don’t ask us if we are PMSing, or sick, or if we have a headache. Just smile, take the kids from us, make us a coffee, and stay We are women and mothers, sometimes we want to be left alone, and we want to sip our coffee while reading a magazine too! We want to be able to take a shower without a hundred little knocks on the door. Sometimes, we just want to hear ourselves think. So, when you see that we need this time alone, my suggestion to all the husbands out there; leave your questions, concerns or comments in the suggestion box, and when we feel like it, we will get back to you. Until then, we love you very much, just leave us alone!
That’s my peace today!

Canelloni with ricotta, spinach and meat
1/2 pound minced veal
1/2 white onion chopped
1 package of baby spinich
1/2 tub ricotta
1 egg
1/4 cup grated parmesan
4 large springs basil and parsley
1 jar cooked tomato sauce
1 cup shredded mozzarella
salt to taste
12 shells of canelloni

Wash spinach, pat dry. In a food processor, combine spinach, ricotta, basil and parsley and egg. Blend until mixed and spinach is finely chopped. Remove and place in bowl. Sautee meat in a pan with onion, salt and cook until no longer pink. Add cooked meat to ricotta mixture, add parmesan, 1/4 cup of mozzarella and 3/4 cup of cooked tomato sauce. Mix all together.
Stuff mixture in uncooked canelloni tubes, place on baking pan. Top with the rest of the sauce and mozzarella. Bake at 400 degrees for about 1 hour (when pasta is cooked and soft).