Thursday, October 8, 2009

We have the same parents

What can I say about sisters; I can’t live with them, I can’t live without I think I just have too Who can have 3 sisters in their life, and possibly survive all the spits, spats, and battles. The fights over clothes, the phone (back then we did not have our own cell phone), and the lack of space in the bathroom. Every shower I ever had, was timed by all 3 of them. Banging on the door, screaming, cursing and then threatening. Of course, my father would always get involved to try to calm the situation, and all he did was cause more aggravation. He would come up the stairs and start questioning each of us, like an interrogation. “What’s going on?” “Who was there first?”..bla bla bla. Then, my mother would yell from downstairs, telling him to stop getting involved, and to be like most men, and mind his own business. So of course, that would start an argument with them

Noise; there were always lots and lots of it. Even now in our adult life, we yell when we speak. My husband asks me why I yell when I speak, I get all confused and tell him, that’s just my voice. Growing up in a house with all women, you had to scream to be heard. We all speak on top of each other and that’s how we were heard. No one listens to the other; we all just try to get our own words in. We all have our own opinion on the way things should be done, sometimes even if we agree, we dispute it.

Sisters are great, but in moderation. The more we see each other, the less we like each other. We always find something to argue about, no matter what it is. It starts off with a little remark, then, the fangs come out. We just battle, gloves come off, and we go at it. We also love to insult each other. I think we find it hard to compliment, and if by some miracle, we do compliment, we automatically think she wants something. My father hated when we didn’t get along, he would give us this line, “My sisters never argued when we were growing up.” Ya, no kidding, they all left the house at 18, so by the time the “real” fights began, they were already mothers.

We were, and are, definitely not the Partridge We did not sing together while looking, smiling, and hugging. I think the only time we come in close contact, is when we HAVE to kiss at But this does not mean that we do not absolutely love each other, and that we do not need each other. My sisters are my best friends. They are the 3 women that know me best. They are the 3 women who judge me least, and they are the 3 women who always have my “back”. They are the best gift my parents ever gave me (even more than the cash I get every

Siblings are special, and unique. I appreciate the fact that they are part of my life. My parents made sure that we always stuck together, and that we would never let anything or anyone come between us. We are very lucky that we all married men that just fit right in. It’s funny, because sometimes I will say something that one of my sisters did to upset me, and I tell my husband. If he dares agree with me and tells me that my sister was wrong, well then he’s getting a look of death from me. He then says, “What’s your problem? What did I say?” He doesn’t understand that I am allowed to talk about her, but HE’s

That’s what sisters do. We fight hard, but we also love, just as hard. We stick up for each other against any “enemies” lol. Before I was ever a friend, a wife, or a mother; I was a sister. My 3 sisters taught me to laugh, giggle, share and open up. If you have a sister, then you know that there are no secrets, they read right through us. They know when we are sad, happy, and when we are pissed off at our husbands. And when we are pissed off at our husbands, they are right behind us, hating them
My sisters have made me the person I am today. The memories we made, living in the same home, are sacred and precious, and are a part of all of us. There is not one day that goes by, that I don’t speak to them. We call each other 25 times a day, for absolutely nothing.
My parents can feel very proud that they raised us well. There is no jealousy or insecurities between us. We have a bond for life, that no one person can ever take away. We don’t just have the same cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents; we have the same parents; we are friends, but more importantly; we are sisters!

That’s my peace today!

Veal Scallopini with Red peppers and Onions
6 veal scallopini
1/4 cup flour
1/2 bottle of beer
1 package of mushrooms
1 white onion
1 red pepper
salt and black pepper to taste
oil for pan frying

Salt and lightly flour the veal, set aside. In a heated pan, pour about 4 tbsp of oil, fry the peppers, mushrooms and onions for 10 minutes. Put the veggies aside. Return pan to heat, add more oil to thinly coat the pan. Add the veal and brown each side (about 5 minutes each side). Add the beer and cook through for about 8 minutes or until beer is dissolved. Add the veggies back in the pan and cook with the veal for another 3 minutes. Place veal on a platter and top with the veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Di!!! But wait, I think Chrissy begs to differ...isn't she adopted sister #4??? :)

