Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Read the owner's manual first

Are women as complicated as men think we are? I say, absolutely not. We know what we want and we make it very clear to anyone who will listen. We don’t over analyse, we just think hard about every situation. We get offended easily and feel overly sensitive for good reasons. Maybe men may think it is not an issue when a friend goes out with another, without inviting us too, but we think it is. We will talk about and cry about it. We will wonder why they went out, without calling us. We will sit there, think about word by word from the last conversation, and try to figure out, why we were not called. Men will just find out that their friends are out, grab their keys, and meet them there. They don’t care that they were not called, they are just happy there’s a few guys, having some beer and

Women are wired in a very delicate manner. I see the differences in my kids. My daughter will cry if you accidently hurt her feelings; my son, could care less. He just wants to watch hockey, or play his games. A boy does not grow up planning his wedding, or designing his wedding dress, or dreaming of an engagement ring. A boy pretty much, plays sports, cops and robbers, wrestling, and X-Box. They are not giggling with their friends over the girl in their class, or dreaming of the day they become a Boys are simple, they are not hard to read or understand. What you see, is what you get. They don’t overanalyse, get offended over little things, and don’t care if you don’t remember their birthdays. A boy (as we all know) turns into a man, his body changes, but his personality does not.

Men and women will never think the same, and I say, thank God for that. If my only mission in life was to eat, drink beer, and get some booty, then life would be smooth sailing. I am glad that I have the ability to cry over the “little” things, that may not mean anything to anyone else, but me. I am glad that I can hug, and kiss my children in public and shout, “I love you honey” in front of the kids at school. I am also glad that I get to plan ahead, and not wait for the last minute, because that makes me feel organized. I am glad that I am a woman. I am not hard to read; I am not speaking a foreign language; and I am not over analysing anything. I am using my intellectual brain, I am using my emotional brain. I am not exaggerating, and I am not over indulging. I am a woman, and that is who I am. There is no need for instructions; there is no need for a map. You have to read more than just the title of the book, open the pages; make some notes and read the “Coles” version, if you have too. We are not as complicated as you think, it’s just that sometimes, you may have to read the owner’s manual before you get started.
That’s my peace today!

Osso Bucho
6 pieces of Veal Shank or Osso bucho
1/2 jar tomato sauce
1/2 cup red wine
1 chopped white onion
2 stems chopped celery
3 carrots chopped
salt and pepper to taste
3 springs of parsley

In a roasting pan, place meat salt and pepper both sides. Toss all vegies in a bowl and salt and pepper it. Add 2 tbsp oil. Pour veggies on top of meat. Add sauce and wine and parsley. Cover and cook at 425 for 1 hour and half. Lower oven to 385 degrees for another 1 hour and half.

1 comment:

  1. This is why men are from Mars and women are from venus!!!
