Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Is that just something old people say?"

Over the weekend, I celebrated my 35th birthday. Unlike some people, I have no problem telling people how old I am. Birthdays never really bothered me. Not even my 30th, it passed without a flinch. But now I am 35. The age that carries certain labels. “You can’t wear mini- skirts after this age, you can’t smoke and take the pill at this age, amnios are recommended at this age, and worst of all, my “bracket” has changed. I am no longer 25-34, I have moved to the 35-44 bracket. Wow! This is a lot to take in, all in one day. How can my life change so dramatically all at once?

You have the older people, saying “oh I remember when I was 35; you’ll see how fast it will pass”. Then you have the really old people saying “OMG, you’re still a baby”. Then there are the youngins, “ 35?, that’s kinda old”..lol. So everyone pretty much has their own take on the age 35.

I personally, am embracing my new age. I am now in my mid 30’s, and so far it’s not so bad. Sure, I woke up with a sore throat, achy bones, and a runny nose, but the point is, I woke up. I have passed my; baby years; my toddler years; my child years ;my teenage years; and my 20’s. I am continuing my life journey in my 30’s and so far, it’s not so bad. I don’t look at young chicks in their 20’s and wish I was them. I WAS them, and now I am not. I went through all the things 20 year olds go through, it was fun while it lasted, but it’s done, and I am ok with that. I am ok with the fact that I cannot wear a mini skirt anymore, or that I can’t wear anything that shows my stomach. Even though sometimes I find myself saying things like, “OMG, the music today is just not like when I was growing up” or “I don’t know how these girls have all that energy, aren’t they tired?”..lol

People judge your age by what you “have”. I hear it all the time, “Oh your only 35 and you have 4 kids” or “You don’t look 35, you look like your 27”. The point is, we should not define who we are with how many kids we have, or how young we look. We are who we are because of the years we passed. The experience we have gained along the way, and the stories and memories we have made. That is part of life; part of our journey. We all strive to be “old”, and get to that place in life, where we begin to see wrinkles, and fine lines. Those lines were made because of smiles, laughing, some frowns and sometimes from tears.

If age was only a number, than that means our journey of all the days we spend on this earth are done in vain. How can we not treasure each day we wake up and say “Hey, I’m alive”. Age is not a number; age just lets people know how many days we lived on this earth, and why we are as experienced in certain things. “You’re only as old as you feel”, this is true, it is all about attitude and positive energy. I do believe that you should not make the year you were a born a focus in your daily life. I do not think you should feel upset about turning a year older, and I do not feel you should hide your age. Embrace who you are, when you were born and share it with people that are not there yet. Share your stories, your experiences and your knowledge. Share all the glory that life has to offer, all your wisdom, and you will truly be able to embrace yourself. I don’t feel sad that I am 35, I feel happy that I got here. That God has allowed me to reach this point. I don’t feel old, I feel 35; does what I am saying sound true? Or, is that just something old people say? lol
That’s my peace today!

Prociutto and Arugula Panini
1 Italian baguette or 6 Calabrese large panini
100 grams of Prociutto Parma
1 bunch washed arugula
1 package of provolone cheese
1 salted sliced tomato
olive oil for dressing
1 tbsp balsamic vinigar

Open bauguette, place prociutto in bun, add cheese. In a plate place arugula drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinigar and toss. Top cheese with arugula and then top with salted tomato slice. Close bun. You may grill if you have panini presser or you can eat as is.

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