Friday, October 16, 2009

We weren't born to follow

Although this is the new title song of Bon Jovi’s new album, I do believe in the words and what they mean. We were all brought into this world to make our own decisions, and we were taught that all decisions we make in our lives will affect people and our own lives. It can be a small decision or a very important one, the fact is, what we decide to do in our own lives will almost always affect others.

I was raised in an upper middle class family, I am second generation Italian. My parents taught me that in life, we have to go after what we want, and not to wait for anyone, or anything. My grandparents left their homeland with nothing more than $5 in their pockets, and built a new life in Canada. They built a very good life in Canada. They were not given any assistance or financial aid from anyone. . They learned the hard way, that if you want to eat, you need to work. There was not one day in their lives that they didn’t work hard every day. This dedication was then passed on to my parents. They were taught that money did not come easy, and nobody will help you get what YOU want.

Times have changed since then. We are able to get educated at any school in the world, we are able to visit any place in the world, and we are able to help anyone in the world. There are thousands of wonderful people that risks their lives in Africa, trying to help people that are dying, that are sick and that don’t have anything to eat or drink. These people dedicate their lives in helping others. My hat goes off to them. We all have charities that we belong to, or we donate too. My charity is Sick Kids in Toronto. I have 4 children and I cannot imagine if any one of them were to ever need the service at this hospital. They are a renowned hospital; they dedicate their lives in helping kids. Recently, I just became aware that the former President of Sick Kids Michael O'Mahoney, decided to leave after working there for over 6 years, where he earned $600,000 a year. He was given a severance package of $2.7 million dollars as a good gesture, for all the hard work he did in his years there. He apparently doubled the charity dollars from $43 million in 2003, to $98 million in 2008. Call me blonde, but wasn’t that his job? Wasn’t his job to boost charity dollars? Wasn’t that what he was getting paid to do? I and many other people were very angry hearing this news. I felt cheated and robbed. I am still going to donate every month as always, because it makes me feel like I am doing something. I just don’t understand how they can justify their actions?

Every day people walk, run, give blood, raise funds, hold silent auctions, host charity events, from the goodness of their hearts. They spend their own time, their own money and use all the resources they have to help others. They are not looking for anything in return; just hope. The hope that what we do will help, even just a little. We are not looking to get compensated from anyone, we don’t even want a tap on the back. We are humans helping humans. We are compassionate and selfless. We all want to do what we can to help another person; another cause. Does this mean that we should expect pay outs, or rewards? Shouldn’t the rewards be the positive results and the lives being saved? I guess I am just naïve to believe that these Presidents at these hospitals, actually care about helping the sick children. I guess I am naïve to believe, that they care about getting new equipment to help saving children’s lives. I guess I am naïve to believe that the nurses and doctors’ who put their blood, sweat and tears into caring for their patients deserve more money. I guess I am naïve to believe that we were born to be leaders and to fight injustice, and that we weren’t born to follow.
That’s my peace today!

Spagetti with Cherry Tomatoes
1 pack cooked spagetti
2 packages of cherry or grape tomatoes
1/2 cup olive oil
1 bunch chopped basil
1 finely chopped garlic
salt to taste
1 tbsp oregano

Put cooked pasta aside. In a bowl mix tomatoes, oil, garlic, basil, salt and oregano. Once tossed well, pour onto spagetti. This may be eaten cold or warm.

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