Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mother's don't wear white, even after Labour Day

Ever since I became a mother, I haven’t been able to wear white, or any light colours. It’s like a bull’s eye target. As soon as I attempt to put on a white top or white pants, I know that I will not be able to wear it, past 1 hour. The harder you try to keep it clean, the faster it gets dirty. Kids are all over the place; on your lap; on your shoulder; and on your legs. They always have something on their face, hands, even on their own clothes, that seem to transfer to your clothes. I don’t even notice stains anymore, I can walk out of the house not knowing that I have milk or goober stains on my top. My top is a human tissue for them.

I remember when I was much younger, not married, no kids, I heard some woman saying that kids eating a lollipop were disgusting, “stay away from a kid that’s sucking a lollipop, it is just a nightmare” she said. I thought to myself, “ok lady, talk about exaggerating.” Now that I am a mother, I think she was underestimating the term “nightmare”. Have you ever been next to a kid sucking a lollipop? Sticky, sticky, sticky. You need 10 wipes just to clean it off their hands, your hands, their face, your face, and then after about 10 minutes, your fingers are still sticking together because you missed a spot. When I see desperate mothers trying to shut up with their kids with a lolly, I really want to tell them the tantrum is less painful then the uncomfortable feeling of sticky. Popsicles, that’s all I have to say. Popsicles are another parent clean clothes “challenge”. What situation can be so bad, that you give your kid a popsicle to suck on? All you get is drips of colour down their hands, arms, sleeves and face. All that remains, are puddles of melted coloured ice and a crying kid because they didn’t get to enjoy it, the ice melted faster than they could eat.

Sometimes I see mother’s “trying” to look like They attempt to wear heels when they go out with their strollers; they are pushing their kiddies with their grande non-fat latte. I guess it’s because sometimes we just don’t want to accept the fact that we cannot wear anything but flats anymore. We look forward to special events for the opportunity to put make-up on, get our nails done, wear tight light colour clothes, and a nice pair of high heeled shoes. It’s pretty hard to be sexy when you have a pair of tights on, runners and your hair pulled back. We try; we buy Lulu lemon tights and Puma runners to look trendy, we get our eyebrows threaded and we get our highlights done. In the end, we are mothers pushing our babies. We carry Wet One wipes, boxes of tissue, band-aids, prepared milk bottles, rattles, diapers, and an extra set of baby clothes; because we know we have too. We know that if we don’t go out prepared, than we will have to drive back home. We know that we want to go out, more than our babies do. We know that we are the ones who enjoy our chit chats and cups of coffee with our other mother friends. We know that kids are dirty, kids are sticky, kids are messy and kids are snotty. We know that we have no choice but to wear dark clothing, flat shoes, and carry large diaper bags. We know that when you become a mother, it doesn’t matter if it’s June, July or August; mothers don’t wear white, even after Labour Day.
That’s my peace today!

Zucchini Lasagna
2 extra large zucchini or 8 small ones
1 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
salt for taste
2 cups cooked tomato sauce
3/4 c breadcrumbs
1/4 olive oil
1 egg

Slice zucchini long way, salt and put aside. Once water has come out of zucchini, dip in egg and then in breadcrumbs. Put breaded slices on pan in oven, drizzle olive oil on all slices, and bake for about 20 minutes at 375 degrees. In a 8x10 baking pan pour a little bit of sauce to coat bottom, arrange zucchini to cover bottom, top with sauce and cheese.(Like a lasagna) Continue steps until you get to top. Cover with foil and bake at 385 degrees for 45 minutes.

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