Thursday, October 1, 2009

Forget about X-Box, what about clean water?

I was watching the news last night, and as much as I hate to do that, I did. All I saw (not unusual) was “bad” news. Things that are depressing, sad, and things, we just don’t want to hear. Killings, bombs, suicide this, and military that. Concerns about peace, safety, and lack of both. The news informs us of what is out there, beyond our front door. It takes us away from our little “safety” place, we call home. It tells us that people are killing each other, themselves and their planet. It also informs us that persons in politics are robbing us blind, and there is not one thing we can do about it. It also tells us, that we have no control on what people or “mother nature” does.

Last night, I learned that there are hundreds of people that died from a flood in South East Asia. I also learned that more people died in a small village from a Tsunami. Terrible, isn’t it? Yes, we can think so from here. We can think that from watching it on our 52 inch plasma tv, from our $4000 couch, in our half a million dollar home, but do we really feel it? No, we don’t, and thank God for that. Our biggest worry in Canada is, do I bring an umbrella today or not. In the morning, I turn on BT and find out if Frankie Flowers is telling my kids to wear a thick coat or a rain coat. I worry that my kids may be late for school, I make sure they have brushed their teeth and brushed their hair. I make sure that their clothes are clean and neat, and that their lunch is packed in their bag.

Today is picture day at school, so I made sure my daughter and my son were dressed well and “pretty”. Pick tails in my daughter’s hair and my son, with his Mohawk. Little do they know that there are children out there that can’t go to school, or don’t have clean water to brush their teeth, let alone drink it. Little do they know, there are children in the world that do not own a pair of shoes, or clothes that fit them. We try our best as parents to teach them gratefulness and appreciation, just like our parents did with us. I remember my mother saying to me “There are starving kids in Africa, finish your food!” At the time, to me, it didn’t mean much. I try to teach my kids that they have to appreciate and be grateful. I tell them that not all kids have more than 1 pair of shoes, and that most of them don’t even know what a DVD player is. They tell me they understand what I’m saying, but I know they don’t. They just learn what they see and what they live. They live in a world of abundance and material value. They live in a world of LaCoste and Diesel. They live in a world of Playstation, X-Box and WII. It’s not their fault that they don’t realize that some kids don’t have games to play with, and that these kids wake up every morning not knowing if today, they will have clean water to drink!
That’s my peace today!

Risotto with Meat Sauce
1/2 pack arborio rice
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella
1-2 cups of Bolognese sauce (Miced meat sauce)
salt to taste

In a saucepan, boil rice as directed. Drain and cool slightly. In a bowl combine rice, mozzarella and sauce. (It should be saucy). Put in a 8x10 baking pan, cover with foil (You can top with more mozzarella if you want cheesy). Cook for 30 minutes at 385 degrees.

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