Monday, October 19, 2009

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away

Yesterday we took the kids apple picking. We went to 2 places in King City; one for apples, the other for pie. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the weather could not have been better. The kids were very excited because it is a tradition we do every year. The kids know that we pick the apples, and we also eat the apples.

Once we were done picking all the types we like; Macintosh, Sparton, Courtland, Red Delicious and of course Spy for pie, we packed up the car, and headed to another orchard. Pine Farms makes the best pies and deserts, I bought our pie, and we were ready to go home.
While we were at these orchards, we saw other families enjoying the same beautiful day as we did. Smiles, laughs, and giggles were heard throughout. There were parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Babies, toddlers and young children all sharing the day.

As we were on our way home, I turned around to see my 4 children eating their apples. There was no noise, but the crunching of apples. They were tired and happy, at the same time. I couldn’t help but smile and think to myself how perfect they are. All the feelings of stress, worry and frustrations are gone. All the disciplining, scolding and lecturing were put on hold. That day it was all about being together as a family, picking apples. There were no boundaries or rules. There was no line they couldn’t cross or apple they couldn’t eat. There was no fighting or yelling, and there was no disappointment or anger. We had a good time walking around, taking pictures, pulling apples, and picking up ladybugs. The kids were being kids.

We sometimes complain (ok we almost always complain) about hard days, rough days, and tired days. Being at home, going nuts, feeling the walls are caving in. We want to hide or run away when things get too loud, or when things get too hectic. We want Calgon, Jack Daniels or Smirnoff to take us away. Motherhood is sometimes challenging (ok, almost always challenging) and sometimes there is not enough time to pee. We try to remember why we signed up for the job in the first place, because it doesn’t feel like there will ever be a payoff. We don’t know if, and when it will get easier.

But all those feelings go away when you do things as a family. When you plan those days of “fun things” to do. When you get to see the smiles, and grins from the little things that like has to offer. We spent $30 on apples, (yes it would have cost less if I bought them at Fortino’s), we spent $9 on the pecan pie, but what we got in return was well worth it. The joys of parenthood shine on days like yesterday; it makes me proud that I am a mother. I feel proud, that I brought these little people in this world; it makes me proud to be their mother. I felt proud that I have 4 beautiful, healthy children. Days like yesterday, make all the tough part of the job feel smooth and flawless; it makes it feel like it is all worth it. We all need days like I had yesterday; we all need those refresher days of family. Going apple picking for us, made all of us happy. Apples do a lot more than keep the doctor away; they keep the hectic, chaotic and frustrating days away too!
That’s my peace today!

Mom's apple pie
1/2 pack Crisco
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
6 cups flour

6 peeled, cut spy apples
4 tbsp thinly sliced butter
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnimon (optional)

You will need a pie plate. Combine all ingredients for crust. Roll out to thin dough. Use half for bottom of pie plate, leave extra dough hanging off sides. Arrange cut apple slices, spread sugar and cinnimon (if using), place butter on top as well. Use other half of dough to cover apples, close sides with the top and bottom doughs by seeling together. Poke a few holes with a fork. Cover with foil, put in oven at 375 degrees for an hour. (remove foil last 15 minutes to make golden.)

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