Monday, November 2, 2009


We wake up every morning, usually with pretty much the same routine. It usually starts with a shower, breakfast, and so on. When you have kids, sometimes, mornings don’t run as smoothly as we hope. From running, to crying, to playing, it can just go on, all day.

Motherhood is anything, but easy. Days at home with children, are very challenging ones. You have to grab every inch of your being, not to lose it. Sometimes it works, and sometimes, not so Kids are constantly testing our patience, our heart strength, and our brain cells. We must be alert, awake, and on our toes. The days that we spend with our children are filled with a mixture of laughs, screams, and sometimes tear (our There have been many times when I was home, that I would just sit and cry. I would ask myself, my sisters, my mother, my husband and my friends, why I ever had children in the first place? They would laugh and answer with the same response, “You wanted them, you said you would die if you couldn’t have them, and you always wanted a big family.” So then I say, “Oh ya, now I remember.” I lift myself off the couch, gather my snotty tissues, and continue my day.

Children are the most wonderful people in the world. They are innocent and they are our little miracles. They are also, just kids. They don’t know that they are driving us nuts. They don’t know that sometimes we want to run away, and they don’t know that sometimes we just want to cry and escape in our minds. We are adults, we get it. We know how to behave, we know how to be patient and we know that leaving a piece of chewed up gum on a couch, will not come off easy. Kids don’t have the same thought process as we do. We expect them to, but they don’t. When they think they can grab the stack of plates to “help” us set the table, they don’t know, until they drop all the plates, that they were just too heavy for their little hands to carry.

We try not to scream when they drop the bowl of cereal on the rug. We try not to punish them when they leave the freezer door open for all the meat to defrost. We try not to flip out when they poo in their pants for the third time, in one day. We try. That is all we can do. We know that days at home with kids are filled with stress and chaos. We know that days at home with kids are sometimes frustrating and nerve racking. We know that days at home with our children, are not going to last forever. We know that days at home with our kids will be memories one day.

We know that days at home with our kids, are not always pleasurable and fun. We know that sometimes we have to reach in the bottom of our patience bag and take a breath. Most of the times, these little stressful incidents are part of life at home with kids. Most of the times, we move on and continue the rest of the day. We know that we will have a cry on the couch, questioning our jobs as parents. We know that it is not going to be the last time we wonder why our kids don’t always listen. We know that is not going to be the last time we pick up the phone to find comfort in our friends. We will need them to remind us that, as long as we have kids at home, we will have these little issues. They will remind us that life at home with kids is challenging, tiring, and hard. Most importantly, what they will remind us is that these are only moments in our lives. Moments in our lives that will be tough and trying, that don’t last all day, all week, or all year. These hard moments will pass, and we will laugh about it, not at the time, but moments later, when we have something else going on.

Our lives are a combination of little moments in time. Some will be funny, some will be frustrating, and some may leave a Just be prepared when these moments “happen” we know, just as fast as they came, they will be quickly gone.
That’s my peace today!

Italian style Mac and Cheese
1 pack of curly big elbow macaroni (I buy Molisana brand)
2 cups whole cream
2 cups whole milk
2 cups shredded Fontina cheese
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella
3/4 cup shredded parmesan
1/4 c of chopped parsley
salt and pepper

Boil pasta as directed, salt water. In a 9x13 pan, butter the bottom and sides. In a bowl, whisk the cream, milk and parsley, 1/2 of all 3 cheeses, pour in bowl. In another bowl, mix the remaining cheese, spread evenly on the pasta. Sprinkle fresh ground pepper. Place in oven at 450 degrees until cheese bubbles and slightly browns. About 20 min.

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