Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A daughter is a daughter..for life

At 8:42p.m, on March 17, 2004 my very precious daughter was born. She was my second child, but she was my first little girl. I cannot tell you how happy I was, how elated I was, and how surprised I was. My husband and I were convinced that we were going to have another boy, so when the doctor placed her on my stomach, tears ran down my face. I couldn’t believe that God gave me a daughter. I now had the perfect family.

I immediately bought PINK. Pink everything. Pink clothes, pink rattles, pink toys, pink bottles, anything pink. I wanted to let the world know that I had a little girl. She was an amazing baby, always happy, smiling and just plain sweet. We had a connection from the beginning. She was very attached to me, and I to her. She was my new little friend, visions of her and I shopping, giggling, and bonding is what I was waiting for.

When babies are born, they are neither girls or boys, they are just babies. They do not have characteristics or personality traits, that reflect their gender. Their likes and dislikes uncover by about age 2. Once Maria-Alicia began to show her “true” girly traits, I just adored it. She is such a girl. She is delicate, soft, fashionable, but yet she is assertive, confident, and very, very sneaky..lol. I can read right through her little fibs, my husband is not quite there yet.lol. She can get him to do anything she wants him to do. She has a way to coddle, and butter him up. He smiles and does what she wants. I am a grown adult, and my father still runs, when I need something. It is just a fatherly/daughter thing you do. Little girls have a special bond with their daddies, that never goes away.

Mothers and daughters also have a special bond. We imagine how life will be when they grow into young adults, all the changes they go through physically, and emotionally. We were there once, and we understand what they will go through. We try very hard to prepare them for life as a woman. All the pressures, and expectations that come with that role. We try to prepare them for the mean girls, and the occasional, not so nice boyfriend. Our jobs as mothers to our daughters, is to teach them to be confident, tough, and sensitive. We try to teach them, that life is not always fair, and that sometimes we may have to bend the rules, to get what we want. We try to teach them to use good judgement when they encounter a person, or a situation that they may not be prepared for. We try to teach them, with patience, comes good things.

Mothers want the absolute best for their daughters. We want them to be strong and independent. We want them to be able to learn how to make their own money, and we also want them to know how to spend it. We, as mothers, are our daughter’s role models. They look to us for guidance, and support. They look to us for love and affection. There will be a stage in our daughter’s life where they will want to break free from us, and we must be careful to ensure they come back. We must ensure that we steer them in the right direction, because it may be bumpy at times.

God blessed me twice. I am grateful for my 2 daughters. They bring pleasure and happiness to my life. I know how lucky I am to have 2 little friends. 2 little fashion models, and 2 little giggly, silly, munchkins. I know that they will be my lifelong friends, even during days they may not “like” me, or my rules. They will know, just like I did with my mother, that I only want the best for them. They will know that I will always be there for them. They will know that I love them unconditionally. When you are blessed with daughters, you will know, that a daughter, is a daughter..for life.
That’s my peace today!

Pasta and Ricotta
1 pack spagetti
1 container ricotta
1/4 c milk
4 springs chopped parsley

Boil pasta as directed. Leave in strainer. Meanwhile, pour ricotta and milk in the pot the pasta was in and heat until smooth and creamy. Add pasta and toss. Serve in plates and sprinkle fresh parsley.

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