Monday, October 26, 2009

Smiles are not included

What happened to the mom and pop shops? The places that were open until 5pm Monday to Friday and closed on Sunday? Do they still exist, and if they do, who is going? Every Thursday night, weekly special flyers arrive on my doorstep. There is a mixture of grocery stores, hardware stores, and clothing stores. I enjoy this part of my week (I know, I need to go out I pour my coffee and look over what’s on sale, and at what store. Of course, Walmart always has the best prices, on absolutely everything. So once I see what is on sale, I write my list and I get ready to go.

I know that I am not the only one who enjoys looking at the flyers because I see my neighbours run out to get the package, if someone dares takes their flyer bag, because they lost their own, there will be Everyone wants a bargain; a deal; a special. The worst feeling is when you go shopping and you get ripped off. No one wants to pay strawberries $3.99 at Fortinos’s, when they are on sale at Longo’s for $2.49. So we all make sure that what we need for the week, is not on sale somewhere else. If you need a couch, a mattress, or a TV, you will find it in the weekly flyers.

Last Friday, I was going to my parents house, I was thinking about dinner, and what I needed, to make it. There is a small strip plaza on the way to my mothers, so I stopped. Let me tell you, I forgot how much I LOVE small shops. I walked in to the small grocery/butcher store, and I got greeted by the butcher, the cashier, and other customers. There were smiles on the faces on all the employees, and they were eager to help me with my requests. They had everything I needed. Once I was done there, I went outside, took 10 steps to the left to the bakery, and I picked up a fresh loaf of Italian bread, and once I was done there, I took 20 steps to the right at the Cleaners, and I picked up my pants, where I left them to get altered a few days earlier. Within 30 minutes, everything I needed was in my hands. I had a great feeling of satisfaction, freshness and abundance.

We all end up at these big box stores, where they promise we will save money, time and stress. (Everything we need). But all the Big Box stores do, is the exact opposite. It starts off with driving in the large parking lot, fighting with other drivers for a parking spot. Getting upset and aggravated at the people that park in the “With children” spot, when they don’t have kids. Then we enter the store, where we are greeted with only chaos and loud voices on the intercom. Then we grab a germ infested cart, push it around, only to bump into others trying to do the same thing. If we can’t find what we are looking for, well then too bad because anyone working there does not want to be bothered helping you look for it. Then, we end it, by arriving at a long line up at the cash, where we wait at least 20 minutes (on a good day), with a cashier who hates his/her job, and counting the minutes until they clock out. There is no customer service, no staff eager to help, and there is definitely no warm, fuzzy feeling.

These Big Box stores make us believe that they are fast, convenient, and stress free. I am not sure if the “big” owners, have actually shopped in their own stores? We are treated like everything, but customers. When they list a sale item, it is a hit or miss if it will actually be on the shelves, and there is nothing great about arguing with other customers, because we have more than 16 items at the express line.

Life can still go on without these stores, there are actually other shops available, that are willing and wanting to serve us. They are becoming more and more few and far between. The big grocers are on every corner, in every town. How do we expect these small shops to survive when you can buy produce, meat, deli, clothes, furniture, and get our clothes cleaned, all at the same place? Shouldn’t we be supporting these small grocers? We may have to get out and go to more than 1 place to get it, but at least we will enjoy the experience. All we are doing is supporting these high profit grocery stores, because we think it is “easier” for us. These big stores have convinced us that we don’t need little stores anymore. They have convinced us that we should be happy with all the stuff they carry, and they convince us that we shouldn’t care the way we are treated, while we are shopping. They also convince us, that we can get whatever we want, as long as it's not a smile, because that is not included.
That’s my peace today!

Grilled Calamari
4 uncut raw squid
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
4 springs basil and parsley, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
3 cloves garlic, crushed

In a bowl, whisk oil, vinegar, garlic, and herbs. Salt and pepper the squid. Pour oil mixture in a tupper ware, add squid and marinate for an hour. Grill about 7 minutes medium heat, each side. Serve on bed of salad, or alone.

1 comment:

  1. Does a bag of 5 apples count as one item or five? LOL.......carol
