Friday, November 20, 2009

The Mommy Files

I think women are just amazing. Yes I know, I am, but seriously, how awesome are we? We are strong in mind and in body. We can cry at the drop of a hat, and we can move the stove to get the marble that rolled back there. We can unclog a toilet, and we can bake apple pie from scratch. We can give advice to our best friend because she asked, and we can discipline our kids for using bad language. We may be slightly complex but that is not because we are hard to read, it is because we have a lot of knowledge.

I say it quite often; a mother’s job is the hardest in the world. We make decisions on a minute by minute basis, some being very important life decisions. We are the foundation that secures the home. We are the shoulders, the ears and the hearts for both our children and our men. We are passionate about EVERYTHING. We can be passionate about the great sale that is taking place at Home Sense, just as much as we can be passionate about our decisions whether to vaccinate or not. We know what we want, and we will stop at nothing to get it.

We take days off work to attend our children’s day trips at school. We anxiously wait to hear the score our children received on their math test. We have a million thoughts going on in our heads at once. We make time to fill in our kid’s baby books, and we make time to take them to get their pictures done with Santa. We send their Christmas lists to the North Pole, to ensure that Santa really does exist. We put money in their pillow from the tooth fairy, and we scare away all the “monsters” that are hiding under the bed.

Mothers are superheros. We don’t have time to do everything we want in one day, but we guarantee it will get done. We are people of our words. We make promises to our children that we know we can keep, because we know a promise is a promise. We know what our kids want for their birthdays, we know what size their shoes are, and we know what their favourite colour is.
All information is important to us and gets filed away in our brains, in case we need it one day. We keep our Mother’s Day cards, and the not so nice vase that they made us for Christmas. We store their cutest baby clothes, and their baby bassinettes, in case they want it when they have their own kids. We know the day, month, year, minute and second when ALL our children were born. We know the month they began talking, walking and saying “ma ma.”

Mothers are extraordinary people. Our husbands do realize that we do a great job, and they know that our children need us. They appreciate the fact that we love our kids and them. They may not always tell us, but trust me, they do appreciate it. They appreciate the fact that we know what “normal” body temperature is, and what is clinically a fever. They appreciate the fact that we know how to clean our children’s cuts; braid our daughter’s hair; and lace up our son’s skates. They know that we would run around the world for our family, if that is what was needed of us. They know that we remember everything important and everything essential. They know we won’t forget to bring the snacks and toys for the road trips. They know that we are mothers, we are women and we are great. They know that we know EVERYTHING about our families. They know that if one day, our kids don’t remember a small detail about their life growing up, then they need not to worry…we will. We will just get it out of the “mommy files” in our brains and tell them detail by detail whatever they want to know.
That’s my peace today!

This recipe is perfect for this time of year...I make it almost everyday during the holidays because it is easy, healthy and a delicious snack.

Stuffed Dried Figs with Walnuts
1 pack of dried figs
1/4 cup walnut halves

Cut open the figs and open like a book, place a walnut piece and close. Repeat until all figs are stuffed. Place on a baking sheet and bake in oven at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes (make sure not to blacken or burn too much). The colour should be golden and the fig should be soft.

check out

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