Monday, November 16, 2009

We look just like you

People tend to think that mothers do not have things to do. They think we just sit around all day long, watching soaps and sniffing Lysol There is a lot more to it than cleaning dirty bums, and serving jarred baby food. We have doctor appointments, dentist appointments and extra curricular activities. We have kids’ birthday parties, and play dates to attend. I know that doesn’t sound like to fun to some people, and sometimes it is not so fun for us, but it is a part of our life.

We may not have plans to go “drinking” or “hooking” up on a Friday night. We may not have plans to go shopping for “weekend” club clothes, and we may not have plans to meet up at someone’s house for a pre party. It also doesn’t mean that we are not “cool” people. We are just as fun to hang out with, as single people. We have lots to say and we have lots of advice for issues, besides family planning. We are full of knowledge and information that is not necessarily about kids and pregnancy. If you take the time to hang out with us you will see that.
We like to drink wine and vodka, we like to listen to the latest songs that are playing in the clubs, and we like to talk about the new hot guy in the gym. We are women, we are modern. We may drive mini-vans or SUV’s, but we do care how we look. We don’t always want to be messy in our mommy clothes; we do like to dress up too.

Next time you decide to make plans with all your single friends, you may want to call us too. You will realize that we have a lot to offer for the party. You will realize that we started off, just like you did. You will realize that we are not that different than you. We can hate men too, (married women do that and we can criticize that chick that stole your ex, with you. We are fun and we are cool. We are not old and wrinkly, we are young and vibrant.

Moms have a bad rap. Other people think we are geeks, nerds, and social degenerates. The truth is we can put away our aprons and slippers, we can park our min-vans in the garage, and we can be right beside you on that dance floor, downing those vodka shots. We go out with our other mother friends and we have just as much fun as the women who are scouting for men. We don’t have to scout. We are actually out, because we want to get away. We want to feel normal and we want to be amused. Our intentions are not for anything but that. Our intentions are because we are fed up of cleaning vomit off the rugs, and picking up our pots and pans that have somehow ended up all over our kitchen floor. We just want to go out, unwind and be adults.

Our lives may be different than single women, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have one. We may not be as spontaneous and liberated, and you may need to give us a week’s notice for a night out, but it doesn’t mean we won’t go out. Our lives are full from 7am – 8pm with children duties, but we can clock out after that, and be part of the crowds. We don’t just sit around watch Tree house and listen to Hannah Montana tunes (which we secretly enjoy by the We are not cougars, we are lions. We are kings of our domain and we want to be respected as that. If you don’t call us to come, it doesn’t mean we won’t see you there. We will just be at a different table than you. There will be no label on our foreheads saying “WE ARE MOMS AND WE DRIVE MINI-VANS”, we will blend in the crowd, and look just like you.
That’s my peace today!

Seafood Pasta
1 pack frozen mixed seafood
1 pack baby shrimp
1 jar tomato sauce
1 pack pasta
1/4 c olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup white wine
2 tbsp chopped parsley
1 pack spagetti or linguini

In a saucepan add oil, garlic and heat. Add all the seafood, wine and parsley. Cook for about 7 minutes. Add the sauce and salt. You can add some water because it should be a thin sauce. Cover and simmer for about 30 minutes. Cook your spagetti as directed. Pour sauce over cooked spagetti.

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