Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Golden Years..will just have to wait

My parents left last night for their frequent trip to their condo in Florida. They do this at least every 2 months or so. Every time they leave I feel a little sad. Even though I know that they will be back in exactly 16 days, my mommy and daddy are not around the corner.lol. Although I feel sad that they are gone, I also feel happy for them. They have “earned” their trips to Florida.

My parents raised 4 children, they were and are, very good parents. 8 years ago they decided to buy a getaway in North Miami and they have been enjoying it since. I like to tease them every time they leave. I say things like, “Ma, I can’t wait to be you 1 day, please take me in your luggage.” She always answers me with the same response, “Well, I was you, and now I am me, and my job as a mother is STILL not over.”

I have to admit, I sometimes feel a little envious when they plan their trips. I know that they will get there, plop their arses on the couch and do whatever they want to do. They don’t have to make meals at a certain time, they don’t have little kids tugging at their legs, asking for juice, and the only people they have to bathe, are themselves. They passed the tiring days of parenthood. They passed the days of staying up all night with children and fevers. Those days are over for them. Now they are enjoying being grandparents. They get to spoil our kids, stop by, and give them candy..and then, they get to leave..lol.

My mother always tells me to enjoy these years. She tells me, “You’re young; these are the best days of your life. Your children are still at home with you, under your roof, enjoy them now.” I understand and I do agree with her. The days of parenthood do fly bye, and I know before I know it, they will be applying for University. I know that I should be enjoying every little situation, and every little cute advice my kids give me, but sometimes, I just want to sleep..lol. Is it so hard to ask for a night of more than 4 hours of zzz’s. My mother also told me that when I “can” sleep, I won’t be able to sleep, because apparently the older you get, the less you want to sleep.lol.

I guess sometimes in life we are never really content with the moment we are living in. We want to be older when we are teenagers, we can’t wait to be 19, or we can’t wait to be married, or we can’t wait to be mothers and so on. We always get stuck in the trap of thinking something else, must be easier than what we are doing. My parents were me; they had days with little ones running around the house, and now they are reaping the rewards of all their hard work, and I say good for them.

Last night when my parents were on that plane, (I am not going to lie) I kind of wished I was on my way to the same destination. But then I took a look around at my 8 year old showing me his great test results, my 5 year old daughter was brushing her Barbie’s hair, and my 17 month old twin babies were running toward me, wanting a kiss. How could I want these days to fly bye? How can I want to hurry up and fast forward my younger years with my kids? How can I wish I were 60 years old, on a trip to Florida away from them? I have not yet earned my place on that plane, there are still many more lessons I must learn. There are still many more tears I will have to wipe away, and there are still many more stories I must listen too.
After seeing my parents away, it made me realize that I am not yet ready to leave yet. It made me realize that there are still so many more wonderful years and experiences ahead for me, and my kids. It made me realize that I am not yet ready to trade in a trip with my kids to the Golden Arches for a trip with my husband in our Golden years. That will just have to wait.
That’s my peace today!

Sausage Submarines
4 Italian sausages
4 submarine loafs
1 red pepper, sliced
1 white onion, sliced
1 package of mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
oil for frying

Bake the sausages in the oven, covered for 45 minutes at 400 degrees, or you can grill on bbq. Meanwhile, put all veggies in pan with oil and fry until tender (about 10 minutes). Remove cooked sausages from oven. Slice the bread and open like a book, place sausage in bun, top with veggies and sprinkle cheese. Place on a baking pan,convection in oven at 385 degrees for about 10 minutes (until cheese melts and bread gets toasty)

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