Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free time;me time

Where does time go? Days, weeks, and months just pass. 2009 is coming to an end soon; we will be in the end of the first decade of the millennium. Wow, already. I remember Y2K like it was just yesterday.

Life just flies by, time goes so quickly. My days are always full of things to do. I work 4 days a week, I am home by 3:30p, and then part 2 of my day begins. Life is not always easy for anyone. No matter if you have children or not, our days are always hectic and full of things to do. Sometimes my husband and I just look at each other with a helpless glare. We just laugh at the chaos going on around us, we breathe, and we pick up where we left off.

There are many days that I feel stressed and frustrated. Everything we do in life is most always for someone else. Our children and their needs come first. We barely sit on our bums in the chair when we are eating dinner, because one of my twins wants to pull my plate off the table, or they want to sip my water from my glass. After dinner, clearing the table is just as fun. They climb on top, try to drink the remaining fluids in the glasses, the crumbs left on the table, and the peels of the fruit, left in the plates.

Life with children is a full life. When I say full, I mean..full. My 1 day off a week, and my weekends are supposed to be for relaxing. That never happens. Recently my husband and I booked a trip to New York City for our 10 year Anniversary. We cancelled because of the flu going around. My daughter fell ill, the exact weekend we were to be in NY so we would not have been able to go anyway. Mother’s intuition or just the laws of attraction?

We give up things we want to do when we are parents. Gym memberships, outings with our adult friends, and weekends away with our spouses. When you have young children, our priority is them. I say it all the time, sacrificing is all a part of parenthood. Yes it sucks sometimes, but it is all part of the trials and tribulations. Our children will get older, and eventually they will need us, a little less. These young years of their lives ware us out, tire us out, and suck every fibre of strength out of us. We try to smile, when we feel like crying.

This time is only temporary, and things do get easier, and better. At least this is what I am So I am looking forward to that. I am looking forward to a weekend at the spa, or a dinner with some friends, and a trip to NYC. When you are a mother or father to small children, there is no such thing as free time. Child time trumps our time, every time. Eventually we will get to experience life a little less hectic. Eventually our free time will really become what it was meant to be; me time.
That’s my peace today!

Chick pea salad
1 can chick peas
1/2 container cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1/2 red pepper, diced
6 small bocconcini, sliced
1/2 cup diced anise
salt, pepper, oregano
1/2 c olive oil
2 tbsp balsamiv vinigar
2 tbsp lemon juice

In a bowl, combine all ingredients. Add oil, vinegar, lemon juice. Salt, pepper and oregano and mix. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before eating.

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