Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life after the honeymoon

Did you ever look at the face of a couple that just got married? I am sure you have. They have that same look of “Oh I am in sooo in love and my life will be perfect forever and ever.”..lol. This is the look you should have when you get married because this is why you did it in the first place. You go on your honeymoon and you can’t wait to come home and begin your perfect little life with your perfect new spouse.

If you have ever spoken to women who are about to get married they will all tell you the same thing. “Oh my husband is not going to be like yours, mine is going to help me cook, and clean, and he is going to cuddle with me all night long.” You laugh and say, “Yes, this is what we all thought, but let me give you this one piece of advice...expect nothing and you will not be disappointed.” I don’t say this to be rude or mean, I say it because I speak the truth. Of course some men do help cook and clean but they are not really happy doing it and I don’t care what their wives CLAIM. At night when they are sleeping, these men think of ways to accidentally poison their “equal” opportunity wives..lol.. this is the truth, trust me.

When a woman first gets married she wants her husband home with her all day and all night. She wants to talk and hug and hang out. She doesn’t mind if she can’t make it out for girls’ night because she is just so content being home with her perfect husband. She asks him to not hang out with the boys, and to miss his hockey game, just so they can be together. The man listens because as the saying goes, “A happy wife is a happy life”, and he slowly gives up his friends, his hockey games and his poker night with the boys.

So days go by, weeks go by, months go by, and years go by. Well that look of “I have the perfect man and I love every little inch of him” fades, and it fades, and it fades. All that remains is your husband who is not so perfect anymore right beside you on the couch asking you “What’s for dinner?” You want to add some rat poison in his meal but you realize that you really do love him; he can just be a little annoying at times. So you continue in your daily routine and just keep what you are doing to keep a calm home.

Your friends call and they want to hang out and gossip about the new mother at school. You tell them you have to see if your husband will be home and stay with the kids. Sure enough, he is there, on the same spot where you left him, eating from the same bowl of chips that he was eating from before. You ask, “Honey, are you going to be home? The girls are going for coffee and I was thinking of joining them.” They look at you with this fear..”Um, sure but I can change the channel if you don’t like what I am watching or I will go to get us a movie if you want.” Now you feel bad because you know he wants you home and he doesn’t want to be alone. So you decide to stay home and hang out with your lonely man.
We did it to them. We are the ones that wanted to stay home with them before we had kids, before we were busy, and before we knew that hanging out with our girlfriends is a complete neccessity.

We didn’t realize then, that one day life would somehow take a turn. We didn’t realize that fresh new car smell wouldn’t last forever, and that maybe we should not have pushed our husbands to give up on their friends or hobbies. We didn’t realize then, that we would become independent, strong women who will need some time away, some time alone, and some time to adjust to life after the honeymoon. We didn’t realize that both men and women sometimes need their space; their own friends; and their Friday poker nights.... away from home.
That’s my peace today!

Chicken Cutlets stuffed with Spinach and Prosciutto
6 chicken cutlets pounded thin
6 slices of Parma prosciutto
1 package of cooked spinach (salted)
olive oil for browning
2 cups chicken broth
1 tbs lemon juice
1/4 grated parmesan

Lay cutlets out flat, place a layer of prosciutto and handful of season and cooked spinach (make sure there is no water left in spinach), sprinkle with cheese. Roll cutlet and secure with toothpick. Place in heated pan with oil, brown each side. After browned add broth and lemon juice. Cook for about 10 minutes on med-high (make sure no longer pink). Reduce heat and simmer for about 5 min. Remove from pan place in plate and pour remaining juices on top of chicken.

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