Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's a wonderful world

How lucky are we to be alive today? I say, very. We live everyday with the knowledge of everything. We have the ability to travel to anywhere in the world, call anyone in the world and research any place in the world. We can go shopping, without any cash on us. Plastic, is all we need. I remember my grandfather (when he was still alive) did not want to pay debit anywhere because he just didn’t “get” the concept. He didn’t trust the fact that the bank was directly taking money from his account. He was born in 1919 and he couldn’t fathom the thought.

I was born in 1974 and the world has definitely evolved since then, and continues to. I cannot believe the advancements that we have been alive to see. Advancements in medicine, technology and communication. We treat people the way we want to be treated, and we are now beginning to realize that race, or the colour of someone’s skin, does not matter. Recently, we witnessed the first African American President elected in the United States. That was evolution at its best, and we were here to see it.

We have the ability to communicate with people with the touch a few keypads, and with the click of a webcam. We can now see people that live half way around the world. We have the ability to write our thoughts on a website and pass on the information, to anyone who will listen. This is the world we live in today. Some people may think that sometimes this is not always a good thing. If you don’t want to be reached, you have the ability to stop it. We can contact people from our past and present by signing up online to things like Face book and Twitter.

I remember the days of typewriters and 13 stations on television. Now we have MAC’s, and satellite tv. We have pharmacies open 24 hours and walk in clinics open on Sundays. There is nothing we can’t have or buy, thanks to things like EBay and Craigslist. We can order anything online and have it in our home within 5 business days. We can send packages across the country overnight, and we can download music, the day it is released.

The world we live in, is an amazing one. Whatever we want is at our fingertips. A tv is no longer just a tv. Now there is HD, and LCD, and all that extra stuff. Cars are becoming Hybrid, because we are beginning to care about our environment. We no longer accept pollution and toxins in our air. We recycle because we know that it helps. We try to use less water and electricity because we know it is important.

Life is beautiful, life is grand, and life is full of opportunities. Live life and love life! Next time you are driving, take a look around you. Look at the trees, look at the grass, and look at the beautiful sky. Take a look at the children running, the older people walking, and just take a look at all the beauty. I promise, once you truly look what is right in front of your eyes, you too will see, it’s a wonderful world.
That’s my peace today!

Veal Shank with mushrooms and potatoes
1 pound veal stewing pieces
1 package of whole mushrooms
1 white onion, cut in large chunks
2 white potatoes, cut in large chunks
1/4 c brandy
1/4 c flour
1/2 cup beef broth or water
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Pour flour in a bowl and then toss veal in, coating all the meat. Remove and put aside. Pour olive oil in heated pan, and brown veal. Lower heat to medium, add brandy and cook for about 10 minutes. Throw in cut up potatoes,mushrooms and onions, add beef broth or water and salt and pepper to taste. Continue to cook for about 25 minutes (until potatoes are cooked).

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