Monday, November 30, 2009

Every step of the way

This past weekend I experienced life with loved ones. On Friday night, my husband and I joined some good friends for a late night pizza. Saturday afternoon, my bestest friend came by for a quick coffee, because she happened to be in the neighbourhood. Saturday night was a night of festivities at my sisters’ house, where I got to spend time with my 3 sisters, my husband and their husbands. Sunday me, my husband and my 4 little children visited my cousin and his family. There my kids got to enjoy an afternoon of fun and games with the next generation of Colosimo kids, while the adults enjoyed some wine and great food.

I am a very lucky person. I say it, and I know it. What would life be like if we didn’t have people we love surround our everyday life? I have a few very good friends (you know who you are), 3 wonderful sisters (you know who you, 2 great parents (you know who you are), and a very amazing extended family. I remember growing up, my parents would always entertain. Neighbours were like family, family were like siblings. This is what life was about. Gatherings of people that got along, played, chatted, ate and drank. During these times together, we (the kids) bonded with other children our age, and memories were made.

Pictures help capture these fun times and memories that are made. They are placed in albums, stored in our computers and shared on Face book. Some make us laugh and some make us question what the hell we were thinking at the time. Gatherings are times that are cherished and treasured for a lifetime. Life is all about people, and times shared with them.

As we age, we meet new people that we connect with, and former people we re-connect with. Stories are shared, advice is exchanged and opinions are listened too. We are human beings, travelling through the journey of life. I have many friends and cousins that are experiencing the trials and tribulations of parenthood, alongside me. These are people that knew me when I was young, naive and silly. These are the people that knew me when I didn’t even know how to write my name. We grew up together, and now our own children are able to do the same thing, together.

Our parents continue to get together with people that they shared their journey of life with. Some they lost touch with, and some they kept a connection with. Yesterday my cousin and I were talking about how great it will be when we our kids grow and we will be able to travel with our spouses. We laughed and thought about our own parents, and then we stopped and realized that when this happens, as our children grow, so will we. We will no longer be young, fresh parents. We will be veterans, grandparents, and in a new stage of life.

I have many important people in my life. Over the years, I have made some real friends. Friends of quality, loyalty, and of true friendship. I am reminded of this every once in a while, when we get together, or when I am just having a bad day. My children will always be the most important people in my life, but when they are all grown up and begin their own adult life, I will want to know that they made these special bonds that I have made over the years. I will want to know that I had a part of the relationships they have secured, because I knew that it was important to connect with friends, and connect with family on a regular basis. This is something that cannot be replaced by anything. We all need each other in one way, or another. I am proud of the bonds I have made. I know that when I am old and grey and wrinkly (lol), I will be able to remember the times that I shared in my life with the people that were there with me every step of the way.
That’s my peace today!

I stole today's recipe from Sylvia because it was just tooo delicious...thanks Syl I hope I got it!

Zucchini stuffed with goat cheese

6 zucchini
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup Canadian goat cheese
grated parmesan (optional)

Cut the zucchini in half and scoop of the insides. Fill with the goat cheese, sprinkle with the breadcumbs (generously) you can also sprinkle grated parmesan

Place in baking pan and cook for about 20 minutes at 385 degrees.

check out

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