Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Snuffleupagus does exist

So today marks the 40th Anniversary for Sesame Street. I can’t believe that it has been around that long, and it still is airing today. When I was little, I just loved watching Sesame Street. It was actually the highlight of my day. My favourite character was Oscar the Grouch. He reminded me of myself..lol. He was always pissed off at everyone, but deep down he really cared about his Sesame friends.

If you think about it, life is like Sesame Street, but in a childproof version. There are characters like The Count, Elmo, Oscar, Big Bird, and Snuffy. In the real world, there is the mean person, the happy friendly person, the one that only cares about how many “numbers’ you have, the one that nobody believes, and the one that does really exist to some people.

We learn very early on, that life is full of different people. People that are kind, giving, and people that are not so nice and giving. As a child, watching these characters interact in their neighbourhood brought me pleasure, knowledge, and life lessons. There is always a lesson to be learned when you watch Sesame Street. These fluffy characters try to teach us things about life that we may not yet understand.

Children are very naive people. They see things from a different perspective than us. They think that their problems are very large and important. Today my son could not go to school because he is sick. He was upset, not because he is sick, but because he was supposed to trade hockey cards with his friend Daniel. This was a very big problem for him. For me, he not trading his hockey cards is not a problem at all.

As adults we have “more important” things to think of and worry about. We pay mortgages, we pay bills, and we take on life insurance policies. These things are our “problems”. I remember when I was little; I would watch my mom paying bills. She would gather all the envelopes, sort them out, take out her check book, put a stamp on the them, and get ready to mail them out. I was only 10, and it looked like so much fun to me. To my mother, it was just another month filled with bills.

In life, it is all about perspective. How things are viewed. We cannot make someone see something the way we see it. Everyone thinks that their problems, issues, and worries are important to them. We learn early on, that life is filled with different people, and that there are different life lessons that must be learned.

When we watched Sesame Street, we would see Big Bird talking to his furry friend. Day after day, Snuff would drop in and chat with him, and would leave before anyone could see him. Big Bird was strong enough and confident enough to believe that he saw him and talked to him every day. He knew that Snuff existed, at that is all that was important to him. He gave up caring what people thought, and what they saw, and what they didn’t see. Sesame Street should teach us all that we shouldn’t care what other people believe. Life is seen through our own perspective, our own view, and our own eyes and that should be the only important thing.
That’s my peace today!

Pizza Roll
1 pizza dough
2 cups cooked sauce
1/2 cup pepperoni or italian salami
2 cups shredded mozzarella
1/2 cup cooked sliced mushrooms
oil for brushing

Roll out dough, spread sauce, pepperoni or salami, mushrooms, and sprinkle mozzarella. Beginning from one end, roll tightly into a log. Brush with olive oil, place on baking sheet in oven at 425 degrees for about 30 minutes. Make sure it is not burning at top or bottom.

check out www.yummymummyclub.ca

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