Friday, November 13, 2009

I am someone's little girl

Today my dad turned 70 years old. I cannot believe it. When I look at him, he still looks so young to me. My father is one of the strongest people I know. He never complains about anything, or anyone. If you know my dad, then you will know that he is always happy, and optimistic about everything in life. Life is always half full for him.

My father has 4 daughters that he loves and adores. He would run the world for us. He would fight demons off for us. He would defend any words said, about any one of us. He made us the people we are today. For some reason, when I was growing up I was never really upset at him. My mother, well that’s another story. She always pissed me off, for one reason or another. She would look at me the wrong way, and I didn’t like This did not happen with my father. I had a different kind of respect for him. Even though I feared him, I also didn’t want to ever disappoint him. A girl just is softer for her father, it is human nature.

I remember when I brought my husband home for the first time. My father was pretty sceptical, especially because my husband is from the same area of Montreal where my father grew up. He was the same kind of “guy” he was. My father always said this line to all 4 of us, “Girls, I know what happens in the clubs, and I don’t want you there.” Another famous line he used was, “Be home early because I remember the types of girls that were out after 1am, and they were not the good ones.” You have to laugh now. He was worried, we were his young daughters and he wanted so badly to protect us from everyone and everything out there. It was hard raising 4 girls, in any era.

A father and a daughter have a special bond. They set an example of what men are, from early on in our lives. When a woman gets married, she expects her husband to be exactly like her father.
Well I am sure you can ALL agree, that definitly does not My father was famous for running to the store whenever we were hanging with friends and we wanted something. He was already in the store before I finished my list. Once I tried that with my looked at me and said, “Diana, I am not your father, I am not leaving at 10:30 at night to go get you a coffee.” I tried.

No man in life can ever replace your father. No man in your life can ever compare to your father. He is the one man that will always love you unconditionally. He is the only man that will never judge you. He is the only man who will truly want the best for you. A husband loves you, but not like your father. A son will love you, but not like your father. I feel very blessed today that I have my father in my life. I feel very blessed to be able to celebrate his 70th birthday on this earth. I feel very blessed that I am still someone’s little girl, and that someone is my father.
Happy Birthday Dad!
That’s my peace today!

Sausage and Potaoes
6 italian sausages
7 potatoes cut in large chunks
1/4 olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Place sausages and potatoes in a roasting pan. Oil and salt and pepper potatoes only. Cover with foil and bake for 1 hour and half at 400 degrees.

check out

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