Friday, November 27, 2009

Are all these yours???

Yesterday I was in line at the cash at Fortino’s without my kids and there was a man standing behind me, all at once he said to me, “Boy you must have a lot of kids!” I looked to him and the cashier (whom I know) said “Yes, she has 4.” He replied, “Wow, well either she has a lot of kids or she is pulling a scam with the government.” I looked with confusion, and then he explained to me that he noticed all the Health Cards in a row, in my wallet. I laughed, took my groceries and left.

Now a days having more than 2 children is not really the norm. Couples have 1 because they want to experience parenthood, then they have their second to give their first a sibling, and many of the times the family is complete. When couples go for a third, people assume they are doing it because they want either a boy or a girl, it cannot possibly be because they would actually want to bring another child in this nasty world. 2 children make a family a comfy 4. No need for a new car, a new house or a new kitchen table. Everything is set for 4. Boxes of dinner plates, boxes of glasses and restaurants have tables for 4 set up.

I remember growing up in the 80’s and all most of my friends had at least 5 people in the family. There were also the families of 6 and the occasional family of 7. Nobody questioned why the parents had another one, it was just common sense; you get married and have as many kids as you want. As you all know, I have 4 children. Many people say to me, “Oh you didn’t really want 4, it just happened because you had twins.” Our plan may not have been to have 4 kids, but I never once questioned why I was given my “bonus” child. (Ok maybe sometimes when I am on the brink of wanting to swallow some My point is, I have 4 beautiful, healthy children, and yes it is a lot, but they are my responsibility to raise and feed, nobody else’s.

I sometimes attempt to go out with all 4, ok I attempt it many Every Saturday me and my 4 kids go to Chapters and Starbucks so mommy can get her latte and the kiddies can run around and pretend they enjoy I cannot explain to you the looks that are on the faces of the people I encounter. You have to be with me to believe it. Some smile, and say “OMG ,look at all those kids.” Some say “Oh God bless you honey, you certainly have your hands full” and then there are the ones that ask me very abruptly “Are they all yours????” and I answer very proudly “Yes they are”.

I am proud of my little rugrats. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to raise all these little people into adults. It makes me humble to know that I am allowed the privilege to be a mother, especially to 4 children. We live in a world where people would give anything to become parents. They adopt, they take fertility drugs and they do in-vitro, all in the hopes that they will be blessed with even 1 child. There is not one day that goes by that I don’t realize how lucky I am. I tell my children all the time. Sometimes my over-indulged children ask me “Mommy are we rich?” and I say “Very; we have a beautiful family and no money in the world can replace that.” It got to the point where Joseph says, “Mommy don’t tell me we are rich because we have a healthy family, I want to know if we have a healthy bank account”

I was once encountered in Starbucks by a woman who saw my 2 little twins and I was floored when she said this to me “Oh you have condolences.” She went on to say, “Oh I have twins so that’s why I can say that.” Suffice to say, I gave her a piece of my mind (everyone who knows me can only imagine what I said to

There are people who actually criticize and talk about couples when they want more than 2 children. My question to these people..”Why do you care how many kids other people have?”

It is very difficult having children. I believe the more you have, the harder it is. There are more mouths to feed, more clothes to buy and more bodies to tuck in at night. The world has not changed as much as we think. I don’t believe it was any easier for our parents to raise kids, than it is for us. The only difference maybe, is that when someone walked down the street with more than 2 kids, strangers did not flinch, get bothered or asked very boldly, “Are all these 4 yours???” They all had their own multiple children to take care of too.
That’s my peace today!

Cheese Tortellini Soup
Home made chicken broth or 1 box store bought
1 pack cheese tortellini
1 bunch chopped spinach (optional)
chopped parsley for garnish

Pour broth in a saucepan, bring to boil. Add tortellini (if you are adding spinach at same time). Boil for as long as directed on package. Garnish with parsley.

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