Thursday, January 21, 2010

Those arn't tears; there's something in my eye

So we did it! We bought our “new” resale home on Tuesday. It was a very stressful experience and I do not want to go through it for another 15 years (at least). The price was right; the house was great and the location..stellar! Our new home’s yard backs onto my children’s school yard. I will actually be able to see my kids playing with their friends from my kitchen window. (I am sure Grade 8 will be interesting).

The housing market is hot, hot, hot. Houses are selling like hotcakes. The house was on the market for 1 day and we had 4 other people to beat. My fingernails didn’t make it, and my heart almost didn’t either. I felt it in my heart; that was my house. In fact, I was getting annoyed with all the other visitors that were looking in my

My kids were also excited about the possibility of living behind the school, they thought it would be cool to see mommy in the yard from the playground. Before my son went to bed on Tuesday night he asked me to say a special prayer for the house. He knew we put an offer and we were waiting, so he thought that if he asked God for that little something extra he would do it. He looked at me and said, “Mommy can you try your best to buy the house.” I promised I would do the best I could.

When you buy a house, you are not just buying a building; you are buying a place for your family to live everyday of their life in; to eat; bathe; play; run; laugh; cry and sometimes scream in. A house is not only bought with money (and lots of it) but it is bought with emotions. It means something different to every one person who is planning to buy it. For me, I wanted that house because I liked it, but more importantly, because my kids loved it.

My heart was racing the whole night. The offers were being presented at the same time; 10:30pm. Our agent called for a last minute chat and we asked him to swing by because we wanted to up our offer to make sure we were the winners. It was a nail biting 1 and a half hour, waiting, and waiting for his call. Finally at 11:45pm I picked up the phone to hear the words “Congratulations, you got the house!” I screamed, I laughed, I jumped and I smiled from ear to ear. We got our home.

We went to bed late that night. Our agent came by, we had some alcohol, some espresso and we talked. He explained what was going on and the craziness of house bidding. We gave it our all and it paid off. The next morning I was up at 6am (partially because of the babies and partially because I was excited). I ran into Joseph’s bed and I pretty much woke him up. He looked at me and asked me “Well, well, did we get the house?” I looked in his beautiful big green eyes and said, “Yes baby, we got the house.” He sprang out of bed and ran to tell his sister.

He was proud, and so was I. As parents, the best feeling is seeing our kids’ happiness. We do everything we can to keep them safe, to feed them well, and to see them happy. I achieved my goal. I bought a house that we all love. When I saw his and my daughter’s reaction to our efforts, I was satisfied. All the future memories began running through my head. The barbeques, the walk to school, the at home lunch time meals, and the fingerprints on the newly painted kitchen walls. I felt a little silly at how emotional I was getting thinking about the future in my new home, so when my kids asked, “Mommy are you crying?” I quickly smiled and answered, “No honey, I have something in my eye.”
That’s my peace today!

Veal Sandwich
6 veal scallopini
1 cup breadcrumps
oil for frying
2 cups cooked sauce
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1 sliced onion
1 cup mozzarella
6 buns

Dip veal in beated egg and bread. Fry in pan with heated oil. Place onions and mushrooms in a pan and stir fry with 2 tbsp oil. Place cooked veals on a baking pan with cooked sauce and sprinkle mozzarella. Bake for half hour. Remove from oven and place in open bun, add cooked veggies.

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