Monday, January 25, 2010

Holy Moly...What a goalie!!

Yesterday my 8 year old son played as goalie on his hockey team for the very first time. He has been playing hockey for 3 years and always wanted to try it out, but to my advice, he never played this position.

After the holidays, Joseph decided that he wanted a chance to play in net for a game. The goalie schedule was already set out for the year, so I told him it was too late. He was not happy with that answer. He begged me to ask his coach. I asked him again (like I had many, many times before) “are you sure Joseph? It is a lot of pressure to be goalie.” He didn’t think it was a big deal, he just wanted to play hockey as goalie position. I hesitantly emailed his coach (hoping there were no spots left) and asked if there was room for him to play in net. He said he would ask the boys that were already signed up, if they didn’t mind switching with Joseph. The next day he emailed me with a date he would play.

AHHHHH is what I thought. OMG, how is my son going to do this? I was so nervous and not looking forward to January 24th. As a parent, we feel the pain, the nerves, the tears, and the weaknesses. We want so badly to have them succeed and do well in everything, just to protect them from any harm or criticism. “When a child bites into a sour grape, it is the mother that tastes the wrath.” Any decisions our children make in life, affects us more.

The morning of the game I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. The game was at 4pm so I had to go the whole day with these nerves in my tummy. My son was so excited, and so was my husband. I couldn’t wait to get it over with. My father, my sister and my niece decided to come and watch his first game as a goalie. When I got into the dressing room I felt emotional and nervous when I saw him in the extra equipment and mask. I again asked him if he was nervous and he looked at me with a strange look and said, “Nooo, why would I be nervous?” It was at that moment I wanted to take his equipment off and put them on me. I wanted to play in net for

I went in the stands with my daughter, hubby and rest of my family who came out. Other mothers that were there totally understood my nerves and emotions. The fathers thought I was nuts (just like my own hubby thought) The game started. They were off, my VILLELLA son was in net and there was no turning back.

Save, Save, Save, Save. He saved all the shots taken on him. My son got a shutout! His team won 3-0. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Who knew my son could make all those saves? I sure didn’t. At the end of the victorious game, all his team members jumped on him to let him know, “Good job buddy!” When I arrived in the change room after the game, they were doing 3 cheers for the team and 3 cheers for my little Joseph. All the dads were coming up to me and my husband and complimenting our son in net, telling us how amazing he did. He did so well, that they asked him to be in net next week again. I told the coach I was not sure if my heart can take

In life the biggest compliment any one person can give you, is to compliment your child. We want them to succeed, well above our own lives. We want to take away their pain, wipe away their tears and take that virus that gave them a fever, and give it ourselves. I now know what my own parents meant when they would tell me, “It hurts me, more than it hurts you.” They knew what I know now. They knew that we feel more than our kids ever will. I was nervous, my son was not. I wanted so badly to be in his skinny little 52 pound body and save those goals. But the thing is, he didn’t need me to do that. He did it on his own. He made those saves because he is the one who practiced and plays; not me. Why would I think that I could do better than him? I felt so proud of my #5 player last night. He played an awesome game, that all would agree. He played a game that deserved the words we chanted to him after his victory; “Holy Moly..what a goalie!!
That’s my peace today!

Asparagus wrapped in Veal Scallopini
1/2 bunch asparagus steamed
6 veal scallopini
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper
1/4 cup olive oil

Salt and pepper both the veal and asparagus. Place 3 asparagus strings in the middle of the veal (so that it is hanging out on both sides. Put a tsp of butter in the middle, starting from one end, roll into a log. Heat oil in pan and saute the veal on both sides (about 5 min each side). You can sprinkle shredded mozzarella for extra flavour.

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