Wednesday, January 6, 2010

CANadians Ey?

We are proud, we are great; we are nice, we are Canadians! Last night I proudly watched our World Junior hockey team play a great game. I felt proud and humbled by it. These young men skated, and played their hearts out. We all watched in awe and grace.

I am of Italian heritage but I am born Canadian. My grandparents immigrated here over 50 years ago to begin a new life from the “old country” where there was promised freedom, independence and a new prosperous life. They had some obstacles to face. They had no money, no education, and they did not speak the English language. They were here with their bags, their kids, and their dignity. They started a new life; a new life “America" the land of opportunity.

Canada is known to be a country of calm, peace, and opportunity. We deny no one; we accept all that need refuge and a safe place to live. We vote for democracy and we picket for injustice. We help people in need; we donate to countries in crisis. We believe in others, we believe in equality. This February we are hosting the world in one of our most beautiful provinces; British Columbia.

I am excited to be able to witness the winter games this year with my kids. They will learn that they have the ability to do whatever they set their mind to. They will learn that for 2 weeks, the world unites as one as they face off to compete for victory. My children will learn that there are daughters, sons, fathers and mothers that can ski off mountains, speed skate and loge down a steep tunnel in nothing but a tight suit and a board.

We occasionally joke about Canadians. We are passive, complacent, push over’s. We drink beer, we walk around in snow shoes and we live in igloos. The world has the perception that Canadians are awkward, and little sister to the U.S. I am here to say, we are not passive, we are not complacent, we are not awkward beer drinking citizens. We are strong, we are opinionated, and we are informed about World Issues. We are confident enough to know about other World leaders besides our own. We are capable of learning more than just 1 language. We can win, we will win; we can beat, we will beat; we can bring home the Gold and we will bring home the Gold. We can because we are from CANada and we are CANadians Ey?
That’s my peace today!

Here is a good ol French Canadian recipe today

Shepard's Pie
1 box of Sheriffs potato flakes or 8 peeled, boiled and mashed potatoes (how you normally fix them)
1 pound ground beef
1 can corn
1 can creamed corn
1/4 cup butter sliced
1 tbsp paprika

In a pan cook meat with 1 tbsp of oil. Once the meat is cooked spread in a 9x13 pan. Spread corn and creamed corn. Top with sheriff flaked potatoes (prepare as directed on box) or mashed potatoes. Spread sliced butter evenly on top and sprinkle with paprika. Cover with foil and place in oven for 1 hour at 385 degrees.

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