Monday, January 11, 2010

My 20 minute mindless moments

It is Monday morning. The weekend is over and we are beginning a new week. As usual, my weekend was pretty hectic, chaotic and loud. After all, I have 4 kids, a husband and 3 There is not much time to do what I want to do on the weekends; they are all about the kids. Hockey; skating; Wii; playing barbies; changing diapers; reading books; tidy up; cooking 3 meals a day and of course, laundry. These are the times when being a parent challenges every fibre of your being. You are in neutral the whole day, cruising along and trying not to grab the wooden spoon from the

Sunday nights are now a wind down zone for me. I remember when I was younger, no kids, and working. I HATED Sunday nights. I would get the so called “Sunday night blues”. I wanted so much to sleep in on Monday morning and not have to go to my dreaded “job.” Boy have times changed. Sunday nights for me are the exact opposite. I do not make plans with my friends, instead, I shower and bathe all the kiddies, get them tucked into bed with hugs, kisses, and blankets and I plop my rear end on my couch. I make myself a coffee, flip the channel, find some brain-dead reality show and just watch TV.

Monday mornings are quite hectic. The kids are lazy to get dressed, out of bed and eat their breakfast. I am hurrying to make breakfast, lunches and get myself showered and ready to get out the door. In the winter it is especially annoying because of the hats, gloves, scarves, and boots. Once the car is warmed up, we are off. The drive to the school is short so there is not much time to think about anything but the destination. I drop the kiddies off, make sure they are safe in the yard and then I drive off like the Dukes of Hazards; I skid out from there faster than a virgin on prom

The drive to work is anything but stressful. It is the part of my day I look forward to the most. I find a song I love (lately been hard to do), and I just blast it. In these moments on the way to work, while I am listening to my tunes, it is then that I “think”. I use the word “think”, loosely. In these minutes on the way to work I think of nothing important, life altering, or any major decision I need to make. I take the time to recap the weekend or the night before. Sometimes I smile, sometimes tears form, but most of the time absolutely nothing happens. It is in these minutes on the way to work that I do not have to discipline, talk, or explain anything to absolutely anyone.

It is said quite often that taking a drive clears your head. I believe this to be an understatement. I cannot stress how much these drives in the morning help me de-stress. I love to flip the stations to find the perfect song on the radio and if that doesn’t work, I turn on my IPOD and just listen. I think mothers lack the “listening” part of life. We are always listening to others that we forget to listen for ourselves. I don’t know what makes you feel less stressed or what clears your mind, but for me, it is the 20 minutes I spend every morning in my mommy mobile on the way to work. It is the 20 minutes while I am driving that helps me to think of nothing but mindless moments that took place the night before, and I love every mindless minute of it!
That’s my peace today!

Fettucini Alfredo
1 pack of fresh or dry fettucini
2 cups cream (35% )
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
salt and pepper
fresh parsley, chopped for garnish
extra parmesan cheese

In a saucepan pour cream, allow it to come to a boil and reduce to medium heat, add butter (1 tbsp at a time), then add the cheese. Meanwhile boil pasta, drain and mix to cream mixture. Garnish with parsley and cheese when plating.

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