Monday, January 4, 2010

Diana's New Year Challenge: 1 goal at a time!

Well we survived a whole decade. The millennium is now 10 years done. Where the hell has the time gone? Let’s see, for me 10 years = marriage, new home and 4 would have thunk it? I never would have imagined 10 years ago that I would be raising 4 beautiful, perfect, annoying little critters with constant coughs and colds...but I am glad I am!

With every New Year comes new “resolutions”. You hear everyone talking about it...”What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” or “this year I am going to do...” We set ourselves up for this “new” change or little challenge that we failed to succeed the year before. New diets, new exercise regiments, new relationships etc. We hear it for weeks before and for days after on the tv. “Join now”, “New Year, New You!” The media feeds into our “new changes.”

We hear things in the media from the coming weeks leading up to New Year; the top 10 News stories; the top songs; movies; etc. We are bombarded with “old recounts” and past moments from the Year and in this year’s case; past decade. Have you ever tried thinking of the top 10 little moments you had this year? Did your child begin to walk, talk, read or potty train? Did you celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary or your 40th birthday? I am sure we don’t sit there and think about our top 10 or 20 or 100th greatest moments of 2009. If you think long and hard and you write it down, you will realize all the important “little” things you experienced this year. It will help you recap your own flash of the decade and this past year. I am sure we had wonderful things happen to us, and I am sure we have had things we hope we never have to go through again. This is part of our life journey and I am so glad that I am able to celebrate the turning of a decade with the people that are currently in my life. It is another “tick” off my list. My kids will be celebrating new birthdays, new experiences and new changes, and I am glad to be around to see it.

On January 1st, I sit down and make a list of goals that I plan to achieve. Some are grand, some are not. These goals help me along my journey of life. They remind me what I have to “do” this year, and my plans to achieve them. I keep this little goal card in my purse so I am reminded by it every day, this ensures me I will not get off track. I can guarantee you, that if you try this, you will see that your eye will remain on the ball and you WILL get what you want.

Here is my challenge to you:
Write down goals. They should be under 3 headings: Physical, Spiritual and Financial. I was introduced to this 3 years ago from a mentor of mine. Since then, I have achieved everything I wrote down on my goal card because when you see it every day, it will be easy to achieve.

Life is all about journeys, lessons, and relationships. It is also about goals. We should all have them. I heard a saying once, “If you have aim at nothing, you will definitely hit the target!” If you are already living your life this way, I applaud you, if not, please try it. There are days that I feel like I am doing all this for nothing, but then I remember what I need to achieve, I pick myself up and I continue on my ride of life, doing it, 1 goal at a time!
That’s my peace today!!

Sausage and Potato Balls
3 or 4 Italian sausages
5 or 6 potatoes
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 egg
1/4 cup grated romano or parmesan cheese
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
oil for frying

Remove skin from sausage and fry the loose meat in a heated pan with 1 tsp oil. Peel and boil potatoes in a pot. Once the potatoes and sausage is cooked, cool and place in a large bowl. Add parsley, cheese and egg, mix. Form into balls (2 inch thick) and roll in breadcrumbs. Heat oil in deep pan (enough to cover the balls). Fry evenly on both sides for about 7-8 minutes. Sprinkle with more cheese.

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