Friday, December 11, 2009

What? Another recall????

This morning I was on my way to work and I got a call from my friend Sandra. She was livid, she heard on the news that they were recalling the Heinz Mixed Cereal pablum. The company is claiming that this particular crop in the wheat may contain cancer causing agents. She was so upset because this is the cereal she has been giving her son for the past 2 months.

In this day in age you cannot trust anything anymore. Companies are trying to make record making profits. They cut corners and substitute important natural products with artificial products just to make more money. There are recalls in household products, children’s products and in our food. Baby bottles, baby food, baby car seats. I just goggled recalls in Canada today and there was 264 products listed! Can you imagine? We are consumers and we cannot trust any manufacturer anymore. A company like Heinz that claims they triple test their baby food..obviously they do not!

We eat meat, we get scared. We eat chicken, we are worried. We eat baby spinach and we can get ill with e-coli, we buy deli products and we can die of listeria. What is going on? How can we live in a world that we cannot trust? It is not possible to grow our own food, because if we could we would.

Produce growers are now growing “organic” fruits and vegetables and at that, we should take it with a grain of salt. My question is this..shouldn’t everything be organic? Shouldn’t everything we put in our mouths and our children’s mouths be natural? These producers say you need pesticide to help grow the crops. This is not true, you can grow a crop naturally, our grandparents did will just cost more. It is all about the green dollar, and how they can make more of it.

2 weeks ago there was a recall on a specific brand of cribs made in Canada. Apparently a few babies died because they suffocated in the crib. What???? Are you kidding me? How can we as parents ever feel safe? Most of our products are coming from China. China; the country that was putting melamine in their own babies’ formula, just to save money. Hundreds of babies were poisoned and died because of it. A country that made toothpaste with toxicity in it and could have harmed people who have liver and kidney disease. These are the people we are trusting to make our children’s toys, car seats, and baby bottles.

I know we do not live in a perfect world, and I think we are ok with that. I do however think, it is not ok to keep coming back and warning us that what we just fed our child, or what we trust to protect our children in, or what our babies play with and put in their mouths; may be harmful; may cause cancer eventually. There is enough profit being made with these companies to stop cutting corners, stop playing with the idea that something might be safe. I think us as Canadians are fed up with the “what if” of safety, I think we say enough is enough, and I think we ask with complete and utter anger...What???Another recall???
That’s my peace today!

Today I am giving you a natural recipe that my mother used to feed to us when we were babies. We loved it and it seems safe, as long as the milk won't be

Pane e Latte

2 cups milk
1/2 loaf of bread
cinnamon optional

Pour milk in a saucepan and bring to boil. Tear the bread in little pieces and add into the milk until soft. Remove from heat, you may add cinnamon for more flavour.

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