Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A little white lie

Today was the first storm of the season. I woke up to the sounds of shovelling and trucks salting the roads. It was exciting because it was the first time my twins saw snow. They were still babies last year so they didn’t really “see” anything. The older kids were equally excited because that meant Christmas was near.

My daughter was acting up a little and I reminded her that Santa was watching and that if she was not good, she wouldn’t get what she asked for. All of a sudden I thought of the perfect little white lie...I said this to my little innocent kids, “Did you know that Santa’s Elves are all the little boys and girls who were not good the year before, so this year their job is to make toys for all the good girls and boys.” Lol, I know that sounds mean but let me tell you, they stopped in their tracks. Then I realized that they were frightened by the thought of being kidnapped by Santa so I recovered by saying, “You only help him as an Elf in the month of December and then he brings you safely back home .” So Joseph says this, “Noooo, how come they all have the same hair?” I explained it is because he cuts and colours your hair all the

Sometimes it is necessary to tell our children little white lies. It is like the Pinocchio fib. “When you lie your nose grows.” Does their nose really grow? Well maybe if you are but seriously, just the thought of their nose growing puts a little fear in them, and sometimes we need that to help us out a little bit. My mother used to tell my older sister that if she was bad she would send her to go live with the, that is when there were nuns walking around the neighbourhoods. She also used to tell us that a girl got pregnant if you kissed a boy...that one we didn’t believe...we took our

In life it is necessary to fib and tell little white lies. Sometimes these white lies help protect people from getting hurt or offended. Like when your husband asks you if he has a gut. You don’t want to hurt his feelings so you tell him he is as handsome as the day you married him..the it was necessary to do.

So this morning I needed my kids to behave. I was getting ready making breakfast, lunches and getting the boots ready at the door. I did not need to have running, screaming children around me, so I did what I had to do to calm the situation. I told a little white lie. I am even thinking of going as far as to “Elf Them” online so they can see what they will look like in their little green I won’t be that mean. Lol. As parents we sometimes get desperate, we grasp at straws. When they don’t eat we tell them we will call the doctor, when they don’t listen we tell them we will tell their teacher, and when they misbehave we may have to tell them something that is not true. We may have to tell them a little white lie.
That’s my peace today!

Easy roll-up lasagna
1 box lasagna
2 cups cooked sauce
1/2 tub ricotta
1/2 pound cooked minced meat
3 cups shredded mozzarella

Boil lasagna as directed. Drain. Mix cooked meat and ricotta in a bowl. With a large spoon, scoop mixture and spread evenly on the cooked pasta. Roll tightly, once rolled, place in a baking pan and pour sauce evenly and sprinkle mozzarella evenly. Cover and cook for 45 min - 1 hour at 385 degrees.

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