Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Human Race

Lately Christmas songs have been playing on the radio and one of my favourite all time Christmas songs is “Do they know it’s Christmas?” by Band-Aid. I liked it from the day I heard it back in the 80’s. It is a catchy song with great artists singing it. The most beautiful part of the song is the message. “And in a world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy, pour your arms around the world at Christmas time.”

At this time of the year we all do our best to give and donate to charities, hospitals, food banks, homeless shelters, just so everyone can have a good Christmas. We are all humans; we all want to do our best to help others when they need it. Over the weekend there was a missing autistic boy is Nova Scotia (I am sure most of you watched it on the news). There was a whole community of people that were searching for 2 days for this missing 7 year old boy. In the bitter cold, day and night they searched. People that did not even know him were pitching in to help. They did find him but unfortunately he did not make it; he died in hospital. The point is, they all pulled together to help find a child that went missing.

When people pool together and join a team together, only good things happen. Things are stronger in numbers. CHUM CITY Christmas Drive is successful every year because of the efforts of all. If only a few people participated then it would not have the same outcome. The Daily Bread Food Bank is able to feed the hungry because people come together and either donate or help to serve the homeless. These are all acts of kindness. These are signs that we do care, we do want the best for ALL people.

“It is better to give than to receive”. This is something we tell our children. We make them understand that giving to someone feels so much better than getting something. I know when I buy something for someone it makes me feel so good when I see their face of excitement when they open it. We were made with a heart, we were made with a soul and we were made with a conscience. We cannot ignore the fact that when people need our help, it is a moral obligation to be there for them.

Over 20 years ago when all these famous rich artists from Britain got together to write, and sing a song for the people of Africa, they did not do it for money, not for fame, but for other people. They sang a song that stuck in the minds of people. A song to remind us that there are people in the world that have less than us; that need us. “Well tonight thank God it’s them, instead of you.” Let us remember and acknowledge that we love all the same, we hurt all the same, we want all the same, we cry all the same and we laugh all the same. We are one; we are humans; we are one race...the human race.
That’s my peace today!

Mixed Mushroom Buschetta
1 cup mixed mushrooms chopped
1 cup shredded provolone
1/4 cup sliced red onion
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 baguette
1/2 cup olive oil

Heat a pan, add 1 tbsp of oil and add the chopped mushrooms and the onions, saute until cooked. Slice the bread into 1/2 inch slices, with a brush spread oil on each slice. Put in oven and bake for 15 minutes at 385 degrees. Remove and place cooked mushrooms on the bread, top with shredded cheese, put back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

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