Thursday, April 15, 2010

When you least expect it....a miracle happens!

As you all know, this Friday we are moving homes. It has been a very stressful time for me and my family. Moving is never fun or easy but we are going to be fine. Yesterday we had to do all the “legal” part of the move.

As we were signing the papers with the lawyer we began talking about family and kids, all things parents talk about. David (my lawyer) mentioned to my husband and I that he too has 4 kids. That was exciting to us because it is not every day we meet crazy people like So the questions began. “How old are your kids?” Boys or girls?” etc. Then he went on to tell us that his oldest 3 are triplets. WOW! We were very surprised to hear that. He then said, “Well... let me tell you the story.”

He had been married for over 5 years and he and his wife were trying for many years to conceive. They then turned to IVF and got pregnant, but miscarried. They tried again, then his wife had an ectopic pregnancy and because of it, the doctors had to remove 1 of her fallopian tubes. After this horrible situation the doctor explained to the couple that they would never be able to conceive naturally on their own. The only other option for them was to use their own embryos to implant in a surrogate mother. This relived them and made them extremely happy. The stress was taken off their back and replaced by sheer joy when both embryos took, and their surrogate mother was carrying twins. A few weeks later as they were still bathing in happiness they got the shock of their life. David’s wife found out she was pregnant. The doctor could not believe it either. The impossible happened. On June 20, 2006 David’s wife gave birth to their son. 3 weeks later on July 10, the surrogate mother gave birth to their 2 biological twin girls.

I was in total amazement. I had goose bumps all over. What an amazing story! A woman that was told would never be able to conceive... did, and not long after she received the news that she was going to have twins. 2 years after her 3 babies were born; she got pregnant again, and gave birth to another daughter; another impossible (according to the doctors).

We hear it all the time. Stress is a killer. Stress is the number 1 reason for heart attacks, over eating; get my point. Sometimes we let the littlest things stress us out and get us all worked up. I have heard many times that when couples are told they can never have children, they give up trying, adopt, and then as their adopted baby arrives, they find out they are pregnant. It is the stress that we focus on. We do not think of anything else and it will beat us down. “Don’t sweat the small stuff” Don’t sweat the big stuff.” Sometimes it is really hard to stay focused on things when they get cloudy and blurred. We get consumed with all the things that are not going right that we do not realize that the “right” things will happen if we just let go of the stress.

Yesterday I was taught or I will say “retaught” that when we least expect it, good things happen. I was taught that just when you give up on something; something great happens. I was taught that when 1 door closes, another 1 opens. When I was listening to the story of my lawyer and his wife’s journey into parenthood, all the silly stress of moving was put aside. All the stress of “how am I going to get this all done?” just went away. Our journey is blessed if we take it in stride, if we take it for all the good and unseen blessings of everyday life. Because once in a while in this world, when we least expect it...a miracle happens.
That’s my peace today!

Bread toasts
this is great for Italian bread that gets hard and instead of throwing this is easy and deicious!

1 Italian baguette
1/2 cup olive oil

Slice the bread into thin toasts (almost paper thin), and lay on baking pan. Drizzle oil on both sides of bread and salt. (You can also rub fresh garlic if you like) Bake in oven at 350 degress for 7-8 minutes (do not overbake bc they burn easily)

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