Monday, April 12, 2010

Love "Version 2010"

I remember growing up in a strict Italian home where nothing was given for nothing. Things had to be earned and or appreciated. Gifts were given on birthdays or Christmas and a fruit roll up was something we saw on TV. “Money doesn’t grow on trees” was a stamp saying in our home and “go help your mother” was another. This was not rare or unheard of either, that was the “norm” for me and my friends.

Today, love is “measured” by how much we buy for your kids. “You don’t love me mommy, because if you did, you would buy me that” is what my soon to be 9 year old tells me. He can only get away with that for so long until I get fed up; open the sliding door (that backs on to a forest) and I literally whip whatever he has in hands into the deer -friendly woods. It’s not only my children who seem to just want everything they see. I witness it when I am out and about. Kids whining, kids begging, and then kids getting what they want.

I remember begging my mother...and I mean begging her for a pair of shoes that I just had to have. I didn’t need them, so to my mother’s logic, she was not going to buy me anything I did not need. There was no giving in; there was no pulling out a lollipop to calm me down. It was just plain old NO! If I didn’t stop whining, then when we got home I went straight to my room for adding extra drama on the outing.

Shopping was not a past time. My mother went shopping when we needed something. Maybe a dress for an upcoming wedding, or a pair of indoor runners or maybe a pair of warm winter boots. We did not go to the mall because she was bored and she felt like entertaining us, we went to the park (that was free) for that.

I sometimes get frustrated with my own children and then with myself. Yesterday, I tried to think of 5 things that I can do with my kids that I did not need to pull out my wallet for? I came up with a few but the point is, I do not usually do those things. My husband was working and it was a beautiful day. I wanted to take the kids for a walk, so I got them ready and we went. I did not leave without my wallet. I knew that I would be caught somewhere and I would need money. We ended up at La Paloma (an Italian much overpriced ice cream place). 3 small piccolo ice creams...$15!...My reaction....PRICELESS! I could not believe they raised their prices again. My kids took their ice cream and we went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. They had no idea that I just spent almost $20 for 3 ice creams. My mother would have taken us to Miracle Mart, she would have bought 1 tub of Chapman’s, a pack of cones, and we would have eaten ice cream for the week... for $2!

I am not trying to say that my kids are spoiled, and do not appreciate things because they are good kids (when they and they do respect when I say something or when I demand something, or when I ask them to do things. They get an allowance when they do their designated chores around the house because I feel like they will understand what it is to earn money. My daughter is so cute, when I told her La Paloma was so much money she said, “It’s ok mommy, I will pay with my money” She went upstairs to get her wallet. That made me smile because at least I knew she “understood”.

Sometimes I think that it is not our kids. In fact, I know it is not our kids. How do they know what “Diesel” is? How do they know what Juicy Couture is? We teach them. We teach them that they have to look nice. We teach them that shopping is a hobby and a necessity. Kids cannot learn that on their own. I know that I am guilty of overindulging my kids sometimes. It is not something I am proud of and I try to teach them that money is something you need to earn. I just hope that they do get it; I just hope that my kids will appreciate and respect everything, like when I was a kid. “Times are different” is what I tell my mother all the time. Yes times are different. I grew up in a time where love was shown with the wooden spoon on my it’s love “version 2010”. Love doesn’t change, the people do.
That’s my peace today!

Nutella filled Crepes
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 jar Nutella

Whisk all ingredients in a bowl (except Nutella). In a heated wide pan take a ladle of batter and pour. Lift pan and spread the batter so it goes all around in a thin layer. Cook about 2 min, loosen with spatula, flip and cook over side. Remove put in plate, spread as much nutella as desired and roll closed.

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