Friday, April 23, 2010

Our pride possessions come with us

We did it! Yesterday allllllll day....we moved. We are officially out of our old house and all our belongings are now in our new house, although they are in boxes..they are there. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. We woke up quite early to prepare for the moving company to come along and help us physically move all our stuff out of the home we no longer own.

I had been packing pretty much all week getting ready. I left the last minute things for the end because there are a lot of things we use in a day that we do not realize we need, until we need it. Packing sucks. Every little piece of whatever you have in your house must be examined to throw in the garbage, recycle, donate, or put in a box. This is a task that only you can do.

As I was packing, I came across a lot of things that brought a smile to my face. Objects or clothing that belonged to my kids when they were babies. Stuff they made me at school, including cards for my birthday and Mother’s Day. I even came across special cards that my husband gave me. Our ten year wedding anniversary; a card he gave me after the birth of our twins. During all the hectic time of packing, it is these moments that help you through the frustrating chaos. The sweet memories. I also came across a tiny size 4 suit my son Joseph wore on my sister’s wedding. On that day he seemed so big and grown up to me, and yesterday the suit looked so small. I also had to remove his growth chart that we placed on his wall from when we first moved in. He has grown so much since that day. He turned 9 years old today.

The house we left was the first home we moved into when we moved back from Montreal. It was a home we fell in love with, almost 5years before. It is the house we brought our twins home in, and it is the house that both my older 2 kids left from, to begin their first day of Kindergarten.

When you are in the moment of packing, and then cleaning (gotta make sure you leave a sparkly clean home for the next people) there is no time to think. There is no time to think that it will be the last time you will be washing a dish in that sink, or it is the last time you will be passing the mop on the kitchen floor, or that it will be the last time you will be cleaning the toilet seat in that bathroom. It is only after you did it, that you realize it was the last time.

After all the movers were out and after all the boxes were cleared, all that remained was an empty house. An echo was in place of the noise of the TV, and the garage that was once filled with bikes and scooters...was vacant. I was the last 1 out, so I had to lock up. I put the key in the lock for the last time that day. I turned it, and then I turned around. I waved bye to my neighbours, and welcomed the new home owners and gave them the keys. I wished them as much love and happiness as we had in that home, and then I got in my car and drove away.

Later that day, my sister asked me how I felt and if I had cried when I left. I told her I did not shed a tear. She said to me, “You’re not normal” she may be somewhat right about did not feel that I should have felt the need to cry. I was not sad about the house, I was happy. That house held some very happy events. That house held some really funny events. That house held some really weird events. The one thing that house did not hold was MY memories. Those memories were taken with me as I turned the key in the lock. Those memories are instilled in my mind forever. The house was just the walls and floor that held the stage for me and my family.

I took my family with me. We will move into our new house and we will continue to make wonderful memories. A house is just a house. It is the people inside the house that make it a home. My home is where my husband and children are. This past week when I was packing all my stuff from around the house, I labelled my boxes. Kitchen; bathroom; master bedroom; FRAGILE. All my objects are packed up and ready to be placed in our new place. When I left my old house yesterday, I realized that none of those boxes had what I needed to make my new home mine. When we leave a house and move into a new one, it is not the home we will miss, it is the days we shared making the memories. That is something we hold in our hearts and in our minds. No place, house or home can take that away from us.

On April 22, 2010 I left my old address to move into a new one. A new home that will be perfect for the next stage in my family’s life. When we leave a house, we need not to worry if we forgot something or if we left something behind. When we leave our house, we take our most pride possessions with us that no box can carry.

That’s my peace today!

I just came across this fish that is from Canada and tastes like Seabass with a lot less mercury! Absolutely delicious!
Barramundi with olives and cherry tomatoes
6 fillets of barramundi skined and bonned
1 pack cherry tomatoes, chopped
3 crushed cloves garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup chopped kalamata olives
salt and pepper

Salt and pepper the fish. Mix tomatoes, olives and garlic with 1 tablespoon of oil. Place the fish on a pan if you are placing in oven or in a basket for the barbeque if you are grilling. Pour tomato mixture on top and drizzle with oil. Bake or grill for 10 minutes on each side.

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