Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The sun always shines on TV

Do you guys remember that song? If you do, then you are just as young as me..lol. It was a song from the band AHA and it came out back in the 80’s. I never really understood all those years ago until it hit me last night.

I was putting my son Michael to bed, after I just finish putting Jenna to bed and after I just finished packing 5 boxes for my move. As I was patting his bum to fall asleep I thought about life, and the life we lead with kids. It is not sooo bad, and it is not sooo hard all the time, but it is challenging at best. So anyway, for some reason I thought about that song from AHA. At that moment as I was tapping Michael and comforting him, I thought about how different they portray parenthood on TV.

Think about a Bounty commercial. I mean what mother in your right mind would just smile, pull out the Bounty paper towels after a bunch of 6 year olds come running through your recently mopped kitchen with mud and dirt? What mother do you know would smile after their toddler child just used their pressed cream coloured outfit (besides the fact that we mothers do not wear cream!) as a napkin to wipe off tomato sauce...all thanks to TIDE to go???? Give me a break. I know many, many, many mothers, but I do not know 1...not 1...that would smile after any of that.

Ads also portray women with their husbands and how in “control” they seem to be. The husbands always seem to look like they fear their wives...now you tell me...is that real?? Ok maybe for some..but definitely not in my home..lol. “Are you talking about my weight?” That Cheerios commercial...”Yes woman he was talking about your weight...are you going to beat him now?” The husband looked all scared..lol. TV shows are not any different. Just like the days when Mike from Growing Pains always ended up telling the truth. Or how Samantha from Who’s the Boss would always do the “right” thing. Real life does not work that way.

How about love stories on the big screen? The single, lonely, gorgeous woman always gets the equally lonely, gorgeous, perfect, no defects, single man. Ya right...we all know that man does not even exist..lol. My point is, television is our outlet for fantasy. We want to believe that all that exists, we want to believe that our kids would cuddle up beside us at 16 years old and tell us that he/she did the “right” thing.

Sometimes when I watch these commercials that portray this June Cleaver kind of mother, it makes me question my own skills..lol. I think that maybe I should be more patient and happy when my kids spill a thermos full of orange juice all over my white carpet. When I ask my own friends if they would smile with that scenario...they answer exactly what I would...I would beat them with a wooden stick..lol..ahhh...now that makes me feel “normal”...lol.

So last night when I was thinking of own parenting skills, while I was waiting for little Michael to close his eyes, I briefly thought, “hmm...what would the lady on the Bounty commercial do with my stress?” and then I thought, “who gives a crap what that damn actress would do...lol...I am me...and I knew at that moment...that the sun only shines on TV..lol.
That’s my peace today!

Swiss Chard and Leek Soup
1 bunch swiss chard
1 leek cut (white and light green parts only)
4 cups water
1 potato chopped
salt and pepper

In a large pot, add swiss chard, potato, and cut leeks.Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook until tender. Take 1/2 contents out and puree in blender, add back into soup and boil for another 10 minutes.

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