Monday, February 1, 2010

A team is made up of players, but not all players make up a team

Yes, another piece about my son’s victory in net. I had to endure another stressful hockey game; 3- 15 minute periods. It was another nail biting, heart palpitating game. My son’s team is now going in the playoffs in 1st place. They won 2-0. My son got another shutout! After the game I overheard a little boy telling his uncle “that goalie was just too good.” Lol, I have to admit, that is one of my prouder moments in my life.

I don’t think they won only because of my son; they won because his team worked together. In life, everything important that has to be done, or with any major decision that has to be made, is done with a group of people. When a woman has a baby, it is not only her that pushes the baby out, there is a team of people around her; helping, assisting, and cheering her on.

Saturday night my husband and I attended a “Pink affair” fundraiser in support of Breast Cancer research. The 2 people that planned this whole event are 2 young 25 year old girls. Last year they decided to start this big event to raise money for the weekend to end Breast cancer walk.

It was a success, so they decided to make it an annual event.
Although these 2 girls poured all their heart and soul in their planning, they needed other people to help with the fundraising. They could not do it alone. All the guests, the sponsors, the supporters; were all a part of the grand process. When a Politian wins an election; it is not he/she that wins it alone, it is all the people that helped them get there. The voters, the writers, the planners; they are all part of the win.

A team is not made of 1 star player. It is made of a bunch of people that know how to work together. Each one has a role to play, and when they do it well; the payoff is sweet. When there is 1 person who truly believes that the victory was all theirs, or that they were not able to do it without them; that is not someone who is really a part of the team.

We teach our children all the time. A family is a team. A mother and father; team members. There is coaching involved, teaching, preaching, listening and sometimes disagreements when members come together. I tell my kids all the time, they need to work together every day at home; at school. As they get older they will realize that when they work together, they will achieve their goals without effort.

This weekend, I witnessed examples of superior team work. When people work together, good things happen. It is the positive flow of synergy and energy. There is not 1 successful person that did not have a team behind him/her. So when that little boy made the comment that his team lost because the goalie was just too good, I wanted to say to him, “It was not only the goalie that made the team unstoppable, it was the whole group of little boys that skated their hearts out the whole game.” This boy will learn on his own, that playing together, working together is what leads a team to victory. He will also learn one day, that a team is made up of players, but players don’t always make up a team.
That’s my peace today!

Chick pea and Ditalli pasta with tomatoes
1 can chick peas
1 pack ditalli pasta
1 can plum tomatoes
1 clove chopped garlic
1/2 white onion chopped
1/4 c olive oil
3 large springs chopped fresh basil

In a pan, add oil, garlic, onions, basil, and chick peas. Cook for about 5 minutes, add tomatoes for another 20 minutes and salt. Meanwhile boil ditalli as directed, drain and add to chick pea mix, toss and serve.

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