Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Girl Power..even for just 1 hour!

When a woman has a bad day, almost all of the time she calls her mother, her sister or 1 of her dearest female friends. Sometimes it is a long conversation on the phone, sometimes it is a long conversation on the way to work, or sometimes it is a long conversation at the nearest Tim Horton’s.

We are a network. A combination of women with the same goals, the same home situations and the same little “issues’. There are just some things we cannot discuss with our husbands. They just don’t get it. They don’t understand the pressures, issues and sometimes, the stupidities that go on in our heads.

When our children are sick we call for advice. When we argue with our husbands we call to vent, and when we are worried about something we call for support. We are always given the best advice, at the time, from our women. They know, because they can sympathise and emphasize with us. We know we can go on and on, and not be interrupted with a judged statement. We know when to listen and we know what to answer.

We love to share our proud stories with each other, and we know when to share our deepest secrets with each other. We call for recipes and we call for tips. We just call to catch up. When we are having a bad day, sometimes all it takes is a quick call from one of our female friends to make us laugh or giggle. We call when our kids had a bad day at school, or when we were up all night with them, just to discuss the situation.

A woman knows when to lay off, a woman knows when to lay in and a woman knows when to intervene. We are part of the sisterhood of life. We stick up for each other and we need each other. We know when enough is enough and we know when it’s just not enough.

Men sometimes laugh. They think we are nuts and that we just don’t “get” it. When in fact, we all know darn well, it is them that do not “get” it. We all know men are all the same. We also know, men really don’t understand us. We are ok with that too. We actually enjoy laughing about it. Our husbands just can’t figure out what is so funny on the other end of the phone, or why we feel the need to hide in the bathroom to (You can bet they are trying to listen through the door, and we know

A woman needs another woman. We need the support, we need the help, and we need the laugh. There is no man that can ever replace the relationship of a “sister”. There is no man that can ever truly understand what it is like to be us.

We look forward to get togethers, not because we are bored, but because we really need them. Whether we talk about the chick at the gym, or the last episode of The Bachelor, we have fun doing it. We can go from talking about the pair of shoes we saw at Brown’s to the horrible accident we saw on the news. We can cry and laugh at the same story. We can bad mouth our kids and husbands (with and not feel bad about it. We can ask for an opinion and really get the answer we needed.

We are women. We know women. We need women. There are many different relationships we need in our lifetime. The love of a parent; the love of a husband; and the love of our children. All these relationships cannot replace the other, that we know for sure. We also know that when times get rough, when times get tough, or when times get sticky and we need to talk, we know we can pick up the phone, make a call and in 5 minutes we can be on our way to release our frustrations with the women in our lives. It is the power of women, the power of friendship and the things we teach our own daughters; it is Girl power...even if we can just get it for 1 hour!
That’s my peace today!

Salmon with shredded cabbage
1 fillet of salmon
chopped parsley and basil
1 clove garlic crushed
1 whole green cabbage
1/2 red onion sliced
1 red pepper sliced
salt and pepper
olive oil

In a baking dish place salmon in the middle. Spread basil, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper and drizzle 2 tbsp olive oil. In a bowl, mix cabbage, onions and pepper. Drizzle 3 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper. Arrange around the salmon. Cover with foil and bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.

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