Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A framed moment in my mind

The other night I was lying down in bed and my twins decided to come and jump on me. They are so adorable. They do everything as a team. They eat at the same time, they sleep at the same time, they poo at the same time, and they jump on the same time. They are just wonderful, they just turned 20 months and it feels like they were just born. Although I knew I was having twins, nothing could have prepared me for my life with twins.

Every day as a parent, is a journey. There are new obstacles to pass, and new lessons to be learned, and it is all done within 12 hours. We wake every morning wondering what we will find when we put our feet on the floor. Sometimes we wake up to laughter, sometimes to tears, and sometimes we just feel like putting our head under the blankets and telling anyone that comes near us “No hablo anglais.” But we have no choice, so we get out of bed and we begin our day.

It sometimes feels like the days are long, and the nights; even longer. We feel unmotivated and frustrated, but then we look at the calendar and it all comes into perspective. The days are flying, the months are passing, and the years have come and gone. The other day I was watching a Baby Story on TLC and there was a woman who had 2 kids and then she got pregnant with twins. I was watching the show and I felt like that was me, everything she was saying hit home. She was explaining how her older 2 were the ones that were giving her a hard time at the beginning. She went on to talk about breast feeding twins, changing twins, and trying to raise twins.

I felt like it was 20 months ago, all over again. All the emotions came back to me. The stress, the chaos, the confusion, the wondering if I should have gone for a 3rd child… moments. It was a very hard year when they were born. I cried a lot, I screamed a lot, and I questioned a lot.

My older 2 were driving me nuts. They were the ones that I thought would be easy, but instead, I did not realize that they were still young and still needed my attention too. If my mind goes back to those days, guilt comes to me, and emotions run wild in my mind. I remember crying to my husband one night and saying to him, “You were right; we should have stayed at 2.” He couldn’t believe I was saying what I was saying. I knew what I meant, I knew it didn’t mean I didn’t love them; I was just overwhelmed and hormonal. He thought I meant what I really

Since then, life has gotten a little easier, a little less hectic, and a little more comfortable. We have gotten used to being a family of 6, and we are loving it. Our mornings are crazy, are nights are crazier. There is constant noise, yelling, laughing and screaming in my house. But it is a house filled with young children; my young children. God had a plan for me and my family. He knew that times would be tough, but the pay off would be better.

As I was watching a Baby Story on TLC and remembering the early summer days of 2008, I felt proud. I felt proud that I was able to relate to this woman. I felt proud that I was given the gift to know exactly how she felt the day she gave birth to her twins. I felt blessed to know what life is like with 4 beautiful children. It brought me back to the day June 2nd, 2008 at 8:25pm when I pushed out my first twin baby Jenna, and 19 minutes later when I pushed out my second baby twin Michael. It was a moment in my life I will never forget. It is a moment in my husband’s life that he will never forget, and it is a moment in my other children’s life that they will never forget. I am humble to have been able to experience such a miraculous event. An experience that no words can describe; an experience that will forever be a framed moment in my mind.
That’s my peace today!

Spagetti in Carbonara
10 strips bacon
1 chive onion
1/4 cup olive oil
1 pack spagetti
3 eggs
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
2 tbsp chopped parsley for garnish

Boil spagetti as directed. Drain. Meanwhile in a pan cook bacon until crispy, add chopped onion and sautee put aside. Add the oil in the pan, heat and add spagetti, toss, add bacon and onions, toss and throw in the beated eggs. With a fork or tongs toss until egg is cooked (you may want to put a lid for the heat to stay). Add the parmesan cheese and garnish with parsley.

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